Susan Meiselas The Women's March was a worldwide protest against the inauguration of Donald Trump as President of the United States. The first planned protest was the Women's March on Washington, which wanted to (...)
send a message to the new administration and the world that "women's rights are human rights." It was the largest single-day protest in American history. Washington DC, USA. January 21, 2017. © Susan Meiselas | Magnum Photos
Abbas Former French President François Hollande welcomes the newly elected Emmanuel Macron at the Elysée Palace. Macron, who ran as a "neither left nor right" independent, won a decisive victory over the (...)
far-right National Front candidate, Marine Le Pen. Paris, France. May 14, 2017. © Abbas | Magnum Photos
Bruno Barbey Bruno Barbey was one of the few photojournalists allowed into China during the cultural revolution in 1973. For the last few years he has been working in Beijing, Shenzhen and Hong Kong on a new bo (...)
ok charting how China has changed in recent decades. Hong Kong, China. 2017. © Bruno Barbey | Magnum Photos
Carolyn Drake Odessa high school cheerleaders before a basketball game. After the election of Donald Trump, Magnum photographer Carolyn Drake took a road trip from San Diego eastward along the US border with Mex (...)
ico, searching for walls and expressions of “Americanness”. Odessa, Texas, USA. 2017. © Carolyn Drake | Magnum Photos
Jonas Bendiksen The seats where astronauts suit up before space missions at NASA's Kennedy Space Center. Very much a man’s world during the first thirty years of its existence, NASA began regularly recruiting fema (...)
le personnel during the 1980s. Though the first women who took on technical roles at Kennedy Space Center faced challenges, women now work in many fields, often as team leaders. Florida, USA. 2017. © Jonas Bendiksen | Magnum Photos
Enri Canaj A day before Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited the city of Gaziantep during the Turkish referendum campaign. In April 2017, Turkey voted to approve amendments to the constitution that (...)
gave Erdoğan an executive presidency with sweeping powers. Gaziantep, Turkey. February 2017. © Enri Canaj | Magnum Photos
Chien-Chi Chang A Rohingya refugee gets a haircut from his father at a makeshift refugee camp. An estimated 650,000 Rohingya refugees have fled Myanmar to settle in makeshift camps around the small border city of (...)
Cox’s Bazar. Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh. November, 2017. © Chien-Chi Chang | Magnum Photos
Bieke Depoorter To celebrate Magnum Photos’ 70th anniversary, Magnum Photographers Bieke Depoorter, Antoine D'Agata & Jerome Sessini worked alongside each other in Magnum's third instalment of the Live Lab program (...)
, which took place in Paris. Agata, Paris, France. 2017. © Bieke Depoorter | Magnum Photos
Thomas Dworzak Emmanuel Macron supporters celebrate on election day at the Carrousel du Louvre in the Tuileries Gardens. Macron, a former economy minister, earned 66 percent of the vote, defeating far right candi (...)
date Marine Le Pen to become the next president. Paris, France. May 7, 2017. © Thomas Dworzak | Magnum Photos
Carl De Keyzer A father and son take a rest break in front of the April 25 House of Culture in Pyongyang. April 25 is the founding date of the resistance army against the Japanese. The enormous structure is used (...)
for important military and political meetings, as well as performances. This image features in Carl De Keyzer's forthcoming book, 'D.P.R. Korea Grand Tour.' Pyongyang, North Korea. 2017. © Carl De Keyzer | Magnum Photos
Bruce Gilden Jessica is one of the women Bruce Gilden met traveling through America for his 'Point of No Return' project, which looks deeply into the faces of women afflicted with unfortunate personal circumsta (...)
nces, such as homelessness and addiction. Overtown, Miami, Florida, USA. 2017. © Bruce Gilden | Magnum Photos
Thomas Hoepker Homeless people with family visitors; on the wall, famous graffiti from a Chilean artist can be seen. On the occasion of Magnum’s 70th anniversary, Thomas Hoepker chose to revisit Sergio Larrain’s (...)
work in the Chilean port of Valparaiso. Plaza Echaurren, Valparaiso, Chile. 2017. © Thomas Hoepker | Magnum Photos
Lorenzo Meloni Iraqi military forces, supported by US-led coalition air strikes, began an offensive in February 2017 to reclaim Mosul from ISIS militants, who had seized Iraqi's second city in June 2014. Lorenzo (...)
Meloni returned several times to Mosul to document the fight to liberate the Iraqi city. Iraq officially declared the victory over ISIS on July 10. Mosul, Iraq. May 2017. © Lorenzo Meloni | Magnum Photos
Diana Markosian Briza, now 14, in her home. She was just 7 when her mother was arrested in their home in Arizona. Separated by the border, Briza chose to move to Nogales to be with her mother, Gloria. She is the o (...)
nly child from the family who made that choice. It took the two about a year to get to know each other again. Nogales, Mexico. April, 2017. © Diana Markosian | Magnum Photos
Cristina de Middel Experts believe humanity ushered in a new geological age, the anthropocene, with the rise of industry. In Mozambique, Cristina de Middel and Bruno Morais worked together to explore the excesses of (...)
consumption and exploitation in areas such as mining, fishing, tourism and fossil fuels. Mozambique. 2017. © Cristina de Middel | Magnum Photos
Emin Özmen A man sleeps with a Turkish flag on his face, lying in a field during break time at the Justice March. The march was led by Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, chair of the opposition Republicans People’s party. T (...)
housands marched peacefully for 25 days from Ankara to Istanbul to protest against the government. Sakarya, Turkey. 2017. © Emin Özmen | Magnum Photos
Chris Steele-Perkins The family of Annabella Dudziec (blond hair) who is British-born Polish, her children (from a previous marriage to a Rwandan father), Izabella Dudziec-Mabasi and Lorenzo Dudziec-Mabasi. Annabella's (...)
Polish father Antoni Dudziec, her sister Magda Dudziec holding her baby Kuba Lois Azamat, and Annabella's partner Nasir Brown who is British-born with Jamaican and Guyanese parents. Chris Steele-Perkins is working on a project called The New Londoners, photographing families living in London who come from every country in the world. London, England. 2017. © Chris Steele-Perkins | Magnum Photos
Jérôme Sessini Far-right activists and their supporters take part in the so-called March of Dignity, marking the third anniversary of the 2014 pro-European Union mass protests in Kiev. The rally was organized by (...)
three right-wing parties: Svoboda (Freedom) party, the far-right Right Sector and the newly formed National Corps party, founded by members of the Azov battalion.
These parties accuse the government of being too weak and conciliatory in the face of Russia's annexation of Ukraine's Crimea region and its support for pro-Russian separatists in the east of the country. Kiev, Ukraine. February 22, 2017. © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos
Jacob Aue Sobol Teenage girls in the town of Verkhoyansk, one of the points of absolute cold in the Northern Hemisphere. In 2012, Jacob Aue Sobol rode the Trans-Siberian Railway through Russia, Mongolia, and China (...)
to create his series, “Arrivals and Departures.” Verkhoyansk, Yakutia, Northeast Siberia. Russia. 2017. © Jacob Aue Sobol | Magnum Photos
Mikhael Subotzky 'Water Out of Sunlight'. Artwork by Mikhael Subotzky, who picks apart what the practice of photography means in a body of artistic work that showed at the Maitland Institute in Cape Town, South Afr (...)
ica. 2017. Courtesy the artist and Goodman Gallery / Magnum Photos © Mikhael Subotzky | Magnum Photos
Larry Towell The ritual burning of structures. After months of protests, the US government announced on December 4, 2016, that it would halt construction of the infamous oil pipeline because of environmental co (...)
ncerns. Two months later, under orders from newly-inaugurated President Donald Trump, the Army Corps of Engineers announced they would close down protest camps near Lake Oahe on February 22. Oceti Sakowin Camp, Standing Rock, North Dakota, USA. Februrary 22, 2017. © Larry Towell | Magnum Photos
Newsha Tavakolian Andrea, 23, joined the FARC guerrilla eight years ago. Her father, also a FARC guerrilla, was killed when she was 11. After 50 years of conflict, the FARC guerrillas officially disarmed in June 201 (...)
7. Women made up 40 percent of the armed group. Colombia. 2017. © Newsha Tavakolian | Magnum Photos
Patrick Zachmann Nixxo Arce, 40, born in the middle of a drug trafficking area, has lived in the street for 35 years, consuming "bazuco", a kind of drug even more dangerous than crack. She survives by selling candi (...)
es and begging for her living. Here she is with her 4-year-old son Felipe in their one-room home. Bogota, Colombia. January 2017. © Patrick Zachmann | Magnum Photos