
Abbas: 1944 – 2018

Abbas Village of San Augustin de Oapan. A woman in a dust storm, a walking tree. State of Guerrero, Mexico. 1985. © Abbas | Magnum Photos
Abbas Jacques Chirac (right), president of the RPR Party, visiting his constituency of the Correze region. He stopped in a local bar to have a drink with some voters. Correze, France. 1982. © Abbas | Magnum Photos
Jean Gaumy Abbas photographed by Jean Gaumy. © Jean Gaumy | Magnum Photos
Abbas Self-portrait with flowers. The Magnum retreat. February 9-11, 2018. LLangadog village, Wales, Great Britain. © Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas ABBAS wears helmet and flack-jacket while covering the war. South Vietnam. 1973. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas Self portrait by Abbas. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas G.B. NORTHERN IRELAND. Belfast. A wall crumbles down after having been set on fire, presumably by the IRA. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas MALI. Bakodjikorone. 1994. Children imitating the photographer. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas EGYPT. Cairo. October 1st 1970. A family mourns the death of President Gamal Abdel NASSER. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas ISRAEL/SYRIA. The October War. October 11, 1973. Israeli Defense Minister Moshe DAYAN in his bunker, during an Israeli counter-attack on the Golan Heights. The bunker has been captured from the Syr (...)
A. Abbas G.B. NORTHERN IRELAND. Belfast. A woman wounded by an IRA bomb explosion in the city centre, is given first aid. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas ISRAEL/SYRIA. October War. Oct. 13, 1973. On the occupied Golan Heights, Israeli troops run for shelter under Syrian artillery fire. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas LEBANON. Beirut. 1977. A young man, amputated of both legs during the civil war, is fitted with an artificial leg. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas NIGERIA. End of cessession by BIAFRA. Oweni. An Ibo refugee woman with her child in the market. They both suffer from malnutrition. 1970. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas SOUTH VIETNAM. Delta region. A Vietcong (pro-Communist guerrilla), armed with a Kalashnikov gun, on the move in a sampan boat. He carries all his belongings on his back. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas SOUTH VIETNAM. Near My Tho. 1972. A soldier of the South Vietnamese army leans on an American car. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas SOUTH AFRICA. Durban. 1978. The Turf Club. Blacks, white and Indian. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas SOUTH VIETNAM. Tien Giang. Near My Tho. A bunker inside a peasant hut to be used as shelter in case of incoming artillery fire. The area is controlled by the Vietcongs (Communist guerrilla). © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas SOUTH AFRICA. Carltonville. 1978. Black miners from a gold mine in their living quarters. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas VIETNAM. Southern Delta region. 1973. A South Vietnamese Army soldier, taken prisoner by the VIETCONG (pro-Communist guerrilas), is exhibited in a village. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC. Bangui. "Emperor" Jean-Bedel BOKASSA being filmed by the crew of a French television after his coronation. December 5, 1977. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas CHILE. Santiago. The army celebrates the 10th anniversary of General Augusto PINOCHET's Coup d'Etat with a parade inside a barrack. 1983. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas SOUTH AFRICA. Hamanskraal. 1978. Colonel S.J. MALAN, Director of the Police School for Black people, with trainees. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas IRAN: TEHRAN Dec 12th 1977. Iran celebrates victory of its army upon separatists of Azerbaidjan, the northern province which was occupied by Russian troops during World War II. The Shah in uniform (...)
A. Abbas IRAN. Tehran. December 1978. Rioters burn a portrait of the SHAH as a sign of protest against his regime. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas IRAN: QOM September 1979.
L'Ayatollah KHOMEINY, leader of the Revolution. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas IRAN. Tehran. 1979. Armed militants outside the United States Embassy, where diplomats are held hostages. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas MEXICO. State of Coahuila. Monclova. Boxers train in a gym set in a courtyard. 1983. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas IRAN. Tehran. February 11th 1979.
Armed revolutionary mob takes away a presumed member of the SAVAK secret police on the day of the victory of the Revolution. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
Abbas After a demonstration at the Amjadiyeh Stadium in support of te Constitution and of Shapour Bakhtiar, who was appointed Prime Minister by the Shah before the left the country, a woman, believed to (...)
A. Abbas IRAN. Tehran. February 11th 1980. During the celebrations of the first anniversary of the Islamic Revolution, a young man has fainted in the dense crowd. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas IRAN. Teheran. On the left: General RAHIMI. He will be among the first officers to be executed by the Revolution, on February 15th 1979. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas IRAN. Tehran. Behesht Zahra cemetery. April 1979. On the 40th day after his death, women from the Darvazeh Ghar neighborhood, mourn a "Martyr of the Revolution", killed accidentally by a militia fr (...)
A. Abbas IRAN. Tehran. June 2001. Inside a fashionable coffee house. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas IRAN. Tehran. February 15th, 1979. The bodies of four generals, executed after a secret trial held at Ayatollah KHOMEINY's headquarters, at the Refa girls' school. Their bodies lie at the morgue. T (...)
A. Abbas IRAN. Khorramabad. On the day preceding Ashura, women in nigab, the black chador, their face covered and often bare footed, light candles in 40 stations. They re-enact the caravan which mourned the (...)
A. Abbas IRAN. Tehran. Actress Shabnam MOGHADAMI is being made up for a play to be performed at the City Theatre. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas IRAN. Khorramabad. 2005. On Ashura, mourners beat their chests while singing religious songs. They are covered with mud to mourn the martyrdom of Imam Hussein, son of Ali, founder of the Shia sect. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas IRAN. Shahr Rey. 1997.
Four seater motorbike. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas IRAN. Tehran. On week ends young people enjoy nature on the slopes of Mount Elborz, free from both the pollution of the city traffic fumes and the strict moral codes of the Islamic Republic. Like m (...)
A. Abbas MEXICO. State of Guerrero. Village of San Augustin de Oapan. 1985. Children bath and play in the Rio Balsas. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas MEXICO. State of Guerrero. Village of San Augustin de Oapan. 1983. A man drags a reluctant pig in midday. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas MEXICO. State of Guerrero. 1984. Village of San Augustin de Oapan. Boy wears a mask made of cardboard. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas MEXICO. State of Morelos. 1984. A sugar cane cutter holds her machete. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas MEXICO. State of Guerrero. Village of San Augustin de Oapan. 1983. A bull's head after slaughter, a hungry dog, a hat on a pole. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas MEXICO. State of Guerrero. Village of San Augustin de Oapan. 1983. Wedding procession with a music band and villagers carrying gifts. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas MEXICO. State of Chihuahua. Town of Creel. 1985. Family mourns a boy killed in an accident. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas MEXICO. Mexico City. A little girl holds skulls over her eyes. Skulls are part of the ritual of the Day of the Dead. November 1st, 1984. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas MEXICO. State of Guerrero. Village of San Augustin de Oapan. 1984. Man under a table in the desert. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas Hajj pilgrimage. Pilgrims from all over the world pray on Mount Rahma. Mount Rahma, in the plain of Arafat (where Muslims believe Adam met Eve). Pilgrims dressed in the Ihram (two pieces of unstitc (...)
A. Abbas SAUDI ARABIA. Plain of Arafat. Hajj pilgrimage. 1991. A pilgrim reads the Koran on Mount Rahma, while his friend rests. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas TURKEY. Konya. 2005. Within the shrine of the revered Sufi poet and philosopher Jalal al-Din Rumi, also known as Mowlana, the letters Ho, written in Arabic, refer to God. Sufis chant Ho like a mant (...)
A. Abbas MALAYSIA. Near Ipoh. 1987. choolchildren of the al-Arqam Islamic fundamentalist sect. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas MALI. Village of Severi. 1988. A talibe (student) holds a tablet inscribed with surates from the Koran. The dead bird hanging on the line is used for witchcraft. Black Islam cohabits with animism, (...)
A. Abbas INDONESIA. Surabaya. 2004. Muslim students wearing the « jilbab » (religious scarf). The jilbab is part of the uniform for Muslim students. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas MOROCCO. Jdida. A woman wears the traditional nigab made of a burnous and a face veil. 1991. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas SENEGAL. Diourbel. 1988. Boys read from wooden tablets, Koranic sourates written in Arabic. They know how to decipher Arabic, but do not understand it. Diourbel is an important center for Islamic s (...)
A. Abbas EGYPT. Cairo. 1987. Veiled Muslim fundamentalist student looks in a mycroscope in the biology lab of the University. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas INDONESIA. Jakarta. 1989. Students of the Al Azhar college attend Friday prayer in the auditorium, transformed into a mosque for the occasion. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas BANGLADESH. Dhaka. 2005. A rally of the Islamic Constitutional Movement, an Islamist group which campaigns for the Sharia and an Islamic Government. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas AFGHANISTAN. Kabul. 1992. A wedding by proxy: the woman's fiancé, who migrated to Germany, is present in the photograph only. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas GB. ENGLAND. Yorkshire. Batley. 1989. At the Zakaria Muslim Girls High School, funded by the muslim community, girls in hijab (islamic dress) play touchball. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas BANGLADESH. Dhaka. Poor fishermen village, power pylons and brick kiln chimneys in the suburbs of the capital. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas PALESTINE. Kalandia . Palestinians at the wall being erected by Israel to insulate territories occupied by its armed forces from Palestinians. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas BANGLADESH. Chittagong. Going to the beach Bangladeshi style. A woman in nigab and her family enjoy a stroll on the beach. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas BANGLADESH. Mymesingh. Taking a shower in the courtyard of his modest home, 20 year old Shahin had both his legs amputated after a series of bomb explosions, claimed by jihadists, targeted three ci (...)
A. Abbas INDIA. Uttar Pradesh. Ayodhya. 1990. A Sadhu (Hindu monk) and pilgrims bathe in the river. A cow drinks from it. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas IRAQ. Baghdad. 2003. A bronze head of President Saddam HUSSEIN is paraded in the streets after US troops occupied the capital. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas AFGHANISTAN. Kabul. 2005. An American GI on a dawn patrol over the hill housing the Nader Shah tomb overlooking the capital. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas ISRAEL/PALESTINE. 2004. An Israeli settler, armed with a M16 submachine gun, buys goods in a supermarket of the Neve Deqalim settlement. He is accompanied by his children. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas PALESTINE. Gaza city. The main road cut by Israeli troops, people and goods have to travel by the beach from Gaza city to Khan Yunis. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas ALGERIA. Near Timimoun. 1981. Muslim cemetery in the desert. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas INDONESIA. Kudus. 2004. Cemetery surrounding the mausoleum of Sunan Kudus, who brought Islam to Java whose predominant religion was Hinduism. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas PALESTINE. Gaza city. 2004. A militant of the Islamist party Hamas with a face mask showing the Jerusalem Dome of the Rock, a sacred site for Muslims. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas KUWAIT. Next to a tank destroyed by US aerial bombing, a dead Iraqi soldier is mumified by drops of oil escaping from wells, set on fire by the soldier's unit before it retreated. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas CHINA. Xinjiang province. Kashgar. Uigur Muslims on streets lined with poplar trees. Kashgar was on the famed silk road. 1989. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas AFGHANISTAN. Herat. Part of the old city dominated by the columns of ancient minarets from a destroyed medersa (Koranic school). © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas MOROCCO. Flutist on the road. 1991. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas A Mujahid of the Hezbi-Islami (Islamic party led by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar) guards the road to the capital. Near Kabul. Afghanistan. 1992. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas AFGHANISTAN. Kabul. A woman in burqah, the full islamic veil, has come to pay respect to the dead at the Shi'ite shrine of Sakhi Jan. 2001. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas AFGHANISTAN. Tarakhil. Classes are held in the open for lack of space in a village school donated by Japan. The ground had to be demined first.
 © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas PHILIPPINES. Pampanga district. Village of Santa Lucia. 1995. Crucifixion of a fidel during Good Friday. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas ISRAEL. Jerusalem. Young and old Hassidic Jews. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas ISRAEL. Jerusalem. 1995. A family of Bukharan origin celebrates a young Jew's Bar Mitzvah at the Western Wall. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas USA. ALABAMA. Montgomery. Nov. 12 2003. Fundamentalist Christians display the Ten Commandments at the rally in favour of State Supreme Chief Justice Roy MOORE about to be dismissed for refusing to (...)
A. Abbas SOUTH AFRICA. Cape Town. 1999. Every Sunday, at dawn, priests of the Zion Church, from the Khayelitsha black township, take their newly converted congregation to the sea to be baptised through imme (...)
A. Abbas FRANCE. Lourdes. Pilgrims pass their hands over the stone of the grotto, hoping for a miracle or a blessing by the "Virgin of Lourdes". 1987. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas SOUTH KOREA. Umsong. 1998. A Christian volonteer feeds a handicapped child in the "Flower Village" run by Catholic priests. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas SERBIA. Zica. 1995. The Orthodox monastery. A nun stands outside the church during lithurgy inside. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas MALI. Village of Bandiagara. 1996. Abbot Georges FONGORO celebrates an evening mass inside a parishioner's courtyard. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas LITHUANIA. Vilnius. 1991. The body of a young Lithuanian man killed by Soviet troops is mourned by his family in the Cathedral. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas BRAZIL. Bahia state. Salvador. District of Pelhourinho. 1996. A "wounded angel" in the Church of Nossa Senhora de Rosario. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas EGYPT. St Paul Monastery. 1997. A woman suffering from nervous disorder waits to be blessed by Abuna (father) Fanous, believed to have "miraculous" healing powers. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas SOUTH KOREA. Chan Hak Dong village. 1998. Guru Hampul Sonsa is the founder of Samson Palace, a commune dedicated to the preservation of the 5 000 year old Korean culture, which worships ancient pag (...)
A. Abbas SUDAN. Near Weethoa Gang. 1998. Women prepare the evening meal in a Nuer village set in a zone where guerillas fight the central government of Khartum. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas MALI. Bamako. At sunrise, a fisherman in his boat on the river Niger. 1994. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas RUSSIA. Moscow. Russian shaman VERA cleanses a patient of evil spirits, by drumming her "dungur", a flat drum. She operates in a small forest set in the capital. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas CUBA. Santiago. 1997. A girl is dressed up for her fifteenth birthday ("Quince anos"), a ritual of passage to womanhood. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas MALI. Village of Senedongo. 1996. A Dogon Christian boy prepares a fowl for cooking. Animal sacrifices are part of Dogon animist rituals. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas White doves are kept at the Yasukuni Shinto shrine, dedicated to military personnel killed during Japan's wars. They are considered to be spirits of the departed. Tokya, Japan. 2000. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas VIETNAM. Hanoi. A busy intersection of the old quarter clogged with people and motorbikes. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas RUSSIA. Siberia. Republic of Tuva. Village of Sukpak. 2001. At sunset, a shaman prays to the spirits of the Yenessi river. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas CUBA. Havana. 1997. A "santera" performing an African pagan ritual in a courtyard. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas MYANMAR. Near Mandalay. A man has his hair shaved by a monk in a ritual to become novice in the BA THEIN LAY village. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas RUSSIA. Siberia. Republic of Tuva. Kyzyl. 2001. Shaman ZOE cleanses a patient of evil spirits by drumming on her "dungur" and circling around her. She operates in the Tos Deer (Nine Skies) Shaman a (...)
A. Abbas HAITI. Plaine du Nord. 2000. At Bassin Saint Jacques, a bull is sacrificed to the voodoo loa (spirit) Ogoun. Beast and executionners are covered with the mud of the sacred pond. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
Abbas Pilgrims from all over the country as well as the diaspora come to this sacred waterfall to take a luck bath. With medicinal herbs and perfumes, they ask their Voodoo loas (personal or family spiri (...)
Abbas Abbas wears helmet and flack-jacket while covering the war. South Vietnam. 1973. © Abbas | Magnum Photos
Abbas Self-portrait in car mirror. Chittagong, Bangladesh. 2005. © Abbas | Magnum Photos