Carolyn Drake “Some books about Islam discuss the meaning of dreams. It tells you about the future. I don’t read this myself, but a lot of people told me about it. If you dream about a river or a sea, it means (...)
something good. And if you dream of shit, its very good, it means you’ll get money. I think it’s not good. If something bad will happen in the future, its not good to know about it. It’ll make you unhappy.“ © Carolyn Drake | Magnum Photos
Carolyn Drake China. Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. Urumqi/Karamay. 2011. "Twenty years ago it was very nice, there were a lot of springs, clean water, grasses, and a lot of trees. Now it’s all buildings, an (...)
d not much green. There are so many people living here now, it’s like flies." © Carolyn Drake | Magnum Photos
Carolyn Drake A recent college graduate selected a photo of men praying in a cemetery. "It reminds me to appreciate life and thank Allah for giving me a beautiful life and my family,” she said. “No matter whethe (...)
r we are rich or poor, when we die we are all same." She cut out the men and arranged them in a new scene depicting wedding traditions. 2013. © Carolyn Drake | Magnum Photos
Carolyn Drake | Wild Pigeon Uyghur laborers string electric lines across Taklamakan Desert, part of the Chinese government’s effort to develop its western frontier, a province that borders 8 countries and represents a fifth o (...)
f China's territory. Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China. 2007. © Carolyn Drake | Magnum Photos
Carolyn Drake | Wild Pigeon Homes in the Old Town were built along winding alleyways. Rectangular bricks signify the road dead ends, octagon bricks mean theres an outlet. Homes were built of brick, wood and mud. Tunnels and i (...)
nterior courtyards with plants and trees provided shade from the desert sun. Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China. 2009. © Carolyn Drake | Magnum Photos