Marilyn Silverstone Delhi.12 March 1962.America's First Lady Mrs Jacqueline KENNEDY arriving at Palam Airport where she was greeted by Prime Minister Nehru, Mrs Indira Gandhi, and US Ambassador J.K.Galbraith and was p (...)
resented with a bouquet of flowers and a garland, by the President of the American School Student Body of New Delhi.Mrs Kennedy was accompanied by her sister Princess Lee Radziwill. © Marilyn Silverstone | Magnum Photos
Marilyn Silverstone India.Jaipur.Mrs Kennedy and her sister Princess Lee Radziwill going for an elephant ride at the Ambert Fort in Jaipur. On the other elephant, is American Ambassador J.K.Galbraith (white suit) who (...)
accompanied Mrs Kennedy on her Indian trip. © Marilyn Silverstone | Magnum Photos
Marilyn Silverstone Delhi.12 March 1962.America's First Lady Mrs Jacqueline KENNEDY arriving at Palam Airport where she was greeted by Prime Minister Nehru, Mrs Indira Gandhi, and US Ambassador J.K.Galbraith and was p (...)
resented with a bouquet of flowers and a garland, by the President of the American School Student Body of New Delhi.Mrs Kennedy was accompanied by her sister Princess Lee Radziwill. © Marilyn Silverstone | Magnum Photos
Marilyn Silverstone Delhi.12 March 1962. America's First Lady Mrs Jacqueline KENNEDY arriving at Palam Airport where she was greeted by Prime Minister Nehru, Mrs Indira Gandhi, and US Ambassador J.K.Galbraith and was (...)
presented with a bouquet of flowers and a garland, by the President of the American School Student Body of New Delhi. Mrs Kennedy was accompanied by her sister Princess Lee Radziwill. © Marilyn Silverstone | Magnum Photos
Marilyn Silverstone INDIA. Delhi. March 21st, 1962. A formal dinner given at the American Embassy on behalf of Ambassador Kenneth GALBRAITH, Mrs KENNEDY was seated between Vice President S.Radhakrisnan (white turban) (...)
and Prime Minister Nehru. In the foreground is Ambassador Galbraith. © Marilyn Silverstone | Magnum Photos
Marilyn Silverstone INDIA. Following the banquet dinner given in Durbar Hall by the Maharanee of Udaipur in his palace, Mrs KENNEDY was entertained by groups of folk dancers.She is seen here with the Maharana of Udaip (...)
ur Sir Bhagwaat Singh and his wife. 1962. © Marilyn Silverstone | Magnum Photos
Marilyn Silverstone INDIA. Following the banquet dinner given in Durbar Hall by the Maharanee of Udaipur in his palace, Mrs KENNEDY was entertained by groups of folk dancers. She is seen here with the Maharana of Udai (...)
pur Sir Bhagwaat Singh and his wife. 1962. © Marilyn Silverstone | Magnum Photos