
A Statement from Magnum Photos: 22 December, 2020

“We are deeply upset to read the allegations about David Alan Harvey that have been reported in the CJR. They describe a pattern of behaviour that is unacceptable and contrary to the values we aspire to as a collective. We appreciate it is difficult to speak out and that society doesn’t always believe women. Whilst we are saddened these people didn’t feel able to come to us, we acknowledge their bravery for going on the record.

These are not accounts that we had previously heard and we take these voices extremely seriously. We will immediately investigate them and consider the appropriate action. David Alan Harvey is currently suspended from Magnum until October 2021 as the result of a separate report of harassment, with one of the conditions of his probation being that no further credible allegations come to light. We will give further information once we have had the opportunity to listen to these accounts and complete our due process.”

– Olivia Arthur (President, Magnum Photos), Caitlin Hughes (CEO, Magnum Photos)

Magnum is committed to a workplace free from harassment and discrimination. If you have something to report about the behaviour of any Magnum photographer or team member, you can email, or call our independent whistleblowing hotline, Safecall, on the following freephone numbers:

1 866 901 3295 (US) 

00 800 72332255 (France) 

0800 915 1571 (UK)

You can also report via the web on Please see below information about making a report via Safecall.

Making a Report by Telephone

  • Employees can call Safecall via a Freephone telephone number.
  • Depending on the caller’s location the caller is offered an appropriate selection of language options. Language options always include English.
  • The caller selects the language they require and they will then hear a short recorded introduction in their selectedlanguage. They are then connected to a Safecall call handlerand an interpreter. There will be three people on the call at all times; the caller, the Safecall call handler and an interpreter.
  • Safecall will ask who the caller works for or the name of the organisation the call is about. Once it is established that the call is about a Safecall client the call handler will read a brief GDPR statement. The Safecall call handler will explain who Safecall are, what Safecall’s role is and where the written report will be sent.
  • Safecall provides the caller with a user name and password and asks the caller for a memorable word. This is to ensure the security of the information.
  • The caller is asked to provide their name. If they wish to remain anonymous this will be complied with. The caller may consent to provide Safecall with their name and contact details but ask that this information is not passed onto their organisation. These callers are classed as semi-anonymous. If the caller chooses to be semi-anonymous, a notation will be made to this effect within the report.
  • The caller is asked to give an account of their concern in their own words and time. Safecall’s call handlers do not follow a script, the call is not time limited and is not audio recorded.
  • The call handler will ask the caller questions based on their initial account, looking to gain as much detail as possible to ensure a full and comprehensive report.
  • The call handler will, if asked, reconfirm with the caller where within their organisation the report will be sent.
  • If the caller has chosen to remain anonymous they are told that if they log onto the Safecall website using their username and password they will be able to access any updates that the organisation has posted for them. They will also be able to leave any comments, feedback or answers to any questions that the organisation has asked. If they don’t have access to a computer they are told that to call Safecall back 2 to 3 weeks after the initial report. This is to provide a conduit between the organisation and the caller should the organisation wish to put any questions to the caller.
  • After the call is finished the Safecall call handler will compile their report, which is then checked by an operations manager and notification of the report is sent to the organisation’s representative(s) within one working day.
  • When making a phone call to Safecall using one of the freephone numbers provided the caller must remember the following:

The Safecall service is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

-The freephone number must be dialed exactly as you see it. Do not add any country exit codes. If you need to add an extra number to obtain an outside line from your organisations telephone system, this still needs to be added.

-There maybe mobile/cell phone access restrictions to some of the freephone numbers. Please check with your mobile/cell phone provider.

Making a Report via Safecall website

  • Employees can file a report via Safecall’s website.
  • When a potential whistleblower goes to the page above they will have to choose the language they wish to report in by clicking on the country flag.
  • The reporter will be asked to select if they would like to be a named reporter, a semi-anonymous reporter or totally anonymous. If they choose to remain anonymous all contact detail fields on the website will disappear, leaving only twomandatory fields to be completed – the organisation that the report is about and a memorable word.
  • The reporter can then fill in the free text box outlining their concern and fill in as many of the other free text or drop down boxes they feel are necessary for the report. They can also upload files, such as scans or emails onto the Safecall website.
  • The reporter must consent to Safecall transmitting their concern to the organisation by selecting ‘yes’ in the consent field. If they do not consent the report can not be submitted.
  • Safecall will receive notification that a report has been logged. They will compile their report and notification will be sent to the organisation’s representatives within one working day of the report being received.
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