David Seymour Parisian suburb. June 1936.
National strike for the 40 hour week, paid holidays, and collective agreements. During a sit in at their factory, workers entertain each other.
Banlieue parisien (...)
ne, juin 1936.
Mouvement de grève nationale pour la semaine de quarante heures, les congés payés et les conventions collectives.
Les ouvriers font la fête dans la cour d'une usine occupée. © David Seymour | Magnum Photos
David Seymour Demonstration in memory of those who were killed during the 1871 Paris Commune. The group "Mars" have climbed a small chapel of the Pere Lachaise cemetery. From left: Charles Dinerstein (died in co (...)
ncentration camp), Simon Lichtenstein, Sarah Rochvarger, Francis Le Marque, Henri Fush and Michel Rochvarger. Paris, France. May, 1934. © David Seymour | Magnum Photos