Newsha Tavakolian IRAN. Tehran. 2015. Shoppers in Tehran's Bazaar, while this traditional shopping centre has lost ground to modern day shopping malls, it continues to be the nerve cenrte of Iran's economy. Wholetra (...)
ders, middlemen and importers all have their offices here, above shops selling rugs, chinese made socks and home appliances. © Newsha Tavakolian | Magnum Photos
Newsha Tavakolian Salar Bil a fashion designer is surrounded by his models before a show. Bil is one of Tehran's upcoming young designers. recently the ministry of Guidance and culture allowed fashion shows and Bil, (...)
like others is taking his opportunity. Tehran, Iran. 2015. © Newsha Tavakolian | Magnum Photos
Newsha Tavakolian IRAN. Tehran. 2015. Iranian men during a fashion show by Iran's hottest designer Salar Bil. This show is a part of Tehran's Fashion Week, which was organized in June for the second time. Fashion sh (...)
ows and modelling have long been illegal in Iran, foridden under its interpretation of Islamic laws, recently though the attitute towards fashion and modelling is changing. © Newsha Tavakolian | Magnum Photos
Newsha Tavakolian A battalion of members of the Iranian paramilitary Baseej force pose for a picture with a high revolutionary Guards Corps General, after having participated in a reenactment of the Iran-Iraq (1980- (...)
1988) war in the South of Tehran. Tehran, Iran. 2015. © Newsha Tavakolian | Magnum Photos