Tim Hetherington AFGHANISTAN. Korengal Valley. 2007. US bomb insurgents who are attacking from the northern positions in the village of Donga with phosphorus. Battle Company, 2nd Battalion Airborne of the 503rd US (...)
Infantry are currently undergoing a 15 month deployment in the Korengal Valley in the eastern province of Kunar in Afghanistan. The valley is an epicentre of the US fight against militant Islam in Afghanistan, and was previously held by the 10th Mountain Division. The Korengal valley is infamous as the site of the downing of a US helicopter. The valley has the highest concentration of fighting in Afghanistan and has the most munitions used than any other area of operation. © Tim Hetherington | Magnum Photos
Tim Hetherington AFGHANISTAN. Korengal Valley. 2007. Specialist Gutierrez from 2nd platoon fires a grenade launcher from the bunker at observation point ÔRestrepoÕ after coming under attack by Taliban fighters. The (...)
observation point was named after medic Juan Restrepo who was killed a few months earlier. © Tim Hetherington | Magnum Photos
Tim Hetherington AFGHANISTAN. Korengal Valley. 2007. Traditional airborne calling card.Battle Company, 2nd Battalion Airborne of the 503rd US Infantry are currently undergoing a 15 month deployment in the Korengal (...)
Valley in the eastern province of Kunar in Afghanistan. The valley is an epicentre of the US fight against militant Islam in Afghanistan, and was previously held by the 10th Mountain Division. The Korengal valley is infamous as the site of the downing of a US helicopter. The valley has the highest concentration of fighting in Afghanistan and has the most munitions used than any other area of operation. © Tim Hetherington | Magnum Photos
Tim Hetherington AFGHANISTAN. Korengal Valley. 2007. Soldier Pemble sits below a dummy figure sometimes used to draw enemy fire at the 'Restrepo' bunker position. Battle Company, 2nd Battalion Airborne of the 503rd (...)
US Infantry are currently undergoing a 15 month deployment in the Korengal Valley in the eastern province of Kunar in Afghanistan. The valley is an epicentre of the US fight against militant Islam in Afghanistan, and was previously held by the 10th Mountain Division. The Korengal valley is infamous as the site of the downing of a US helicopter. The valley has the highest concentration of fighting in Afghanistan and has the most munitions used than any other area of operation. © Tim Hetherington | Magnum Photos
Tim Hetherington AFGHANISTAN. Korengal Valley. 2007. Captain Dan kearney, head of Battle Company. Battle Company, 2nd Battalion Airborne of the 503rd US Infantry are currently undergoing a 15 month deployment in th (...)
e Korengal Valley in the eastern province of Kunar in Afghanistan. The valley is an epicentre of the US fight against militant Islam in Afghanistan, and was previously held by the 10th Mountain Division. The Korengal valley is infamous as the site of the downing of a US helicopter. The valley has the highest concentration of fighting in Afghanistan and has the most munitions used than any other area of operation. © Tim Hetherington | Magnum Photos
Tim Hetherington Lieutenant Piosa, 2nd Platoon, Battle Company. Battle Company, 2nd Battalion Airborne of the 503rd US Infantry are currently undergoing a 15 month deployment in the Korengal Valley in the eastern p (...)
rovince of Kunar in Afghanistan. The valley is an epicentre of the US fight against militant Islam in Afghanistan, and was previously held by the 10th Mountain Division. The Korengal valley is infamous as the site of the downing of a US helicopter. The valley has the highest concentration of fighting in Afghanistan and has the most munitions used than any other area of operation. Korengal Valley, Afghanistan. 2007. © Tim Hetherington | Magnum Photos
Diana Markosian Armenia. 2014. I eventually stopped thinking about him. I stopped listening to the stories told by my mother of the man who destroyed our family. Instead, I invented my own father: he was the man w (...)
ho always wanted to be next to me, but died when I was seven. © Diana Markosian | Magnum Photos
Jim Goldberg GREECE. Lavrio. 2005. Two detained Afghani refugees point to the refrigerator on which they wrote (approximate translation) "The Sea of Sadness has no shore". (Their English translation is "in the (...)
open see (sic) dont have border" Lavrio Detention Center. © Jim Goldberg | Magnum Photos