Ernest Cole Which black train to take is matter of guesswork. They have no destination signs and no announcement of arrivals is made. South Africa. Head car may be numbered to show its route, but number is oft (...)
en wrong. In confusion, passengers sometimes jump across track, and some are killed by express trains. © Ernest Cole | Magnum Photos
Erich Lessing General De Gaulle's first task as head of government was to defuse the situation in Algeria.In a four-day visit he tried to calm the Algerian population as well as the French "colons". Crowds line (...)
the streets in Algiers as De Gaulle passes. Algiers, Algeria. © Erich Lessing | Magnum Photos
Erich Lessing General De Gaulle's first task as head of government was to defuse the situation in Algeria. In a four-day visit he tried to calm the Algerian population as well as the French "colons". On the 4th (...)
of June he speaks to the crowd on the Forum of Algiers. Algiers. © Erich Lessing | Magnum Photos
George Rodger Field Marshall Jan Smuts, (African Boer general who fought against the British in the Boer War of 1899-1902), photographed in the garden of Groote Schuur, the official residence of th Prime Ministe (...)
r of S.A. Devils Peak can be seen in the background and the edge of Table Mountain. Field Marshall Jan Smuts (born 1870 died 1950) welcomed conciliation with the British after the Boer War but remained a tenaciously patriotic South African. He was Prime Minister for 14 years, first from 1919-1924 and again from 1939-1946. South Africa. 1947. © George Rodger | Magnum Photos