Werner Bischof Chosen by Carolyn Drake. An internment camp for North Korean prisoners of war. The prisoners perform a square dance in front of a large Statue of Liberty. Between 1950 and 1953 the Democratic Peopl (...)
e's Republic of Korea (North Korea) fought against the Republic of Korea (South Korea). The United Nations, with the United States as the principal participant, joined the war on the side of the South Koreans, and the People's Republic of China came to North Korea's aid. The armistice divided Korea into a Northern and a Southern part, along the 38th parallel. Island of Koje Do, South Korea. 1952. © Werner Bischof | Magnum Photos
Werner Bischof Chosen by Constantine Manos. Laundry hanging on the barbed wire at a camp for North Korean prisoners of war. Between 1950 and 1953 the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) fought aga (...)
inst the Republic of Korea (South Korea). The United Nations, with the United States as the principal participant, joined the war on the side of the South Koreans, and the People's Republic of China came to North Korea's aid. The armistice divided Korea into a Northern and a Southern part, along the 38th parallel. Island of Koje Do, South Korea. 1952. © Werner Bischof | Magnum Photos
Werner Bischof Chosen by Lorenzo Meloni. The village of Montecassino. Montecassino was the sight of one of the main battles fought by the Allies against the Germans in Italy (1944). The town was severely damaged, (...)
and the Medieval Abbey of Monte Cassino, which housed one of the main libraries from the Middle Ages, was completely destroyed during an air raid. Latium region, Italy. August, 1946. © Werner Bischof | Magnum Photos
Werner Bischof Unloading corn sent by foreign countries to help India's famine stricken areas at the port of Calcutta. Due to flooding and drought, in 1951 the province of Bihar was heavily stricken by famine. Th (...)
e US sent 136 million tons of wheat and a 190 million dollar loan, while the USSR sent 50.000 tons of wheat. Bengal Region, India. 1951. © Werner Bischof | Magnum Photos
Werner Bischof A famine stricken area. Due to flooding and drought, in 1951 the province of Bihar was heavily stricken by famine. The US sent 136 million tons of wheat and a 190 million dollar loan, while the USS (...)
R sent 50,000 tons of wheat. State of Bihar, India. April, 1951. © Werner Bischof | Magnum Photos