Magnum Digest

The Magnum Digest: February 19, 2021

Sabiha Çimen’s portraits of workers pushed to the edge by the pandemic, Nanna Heitmann photographs record snowfall in Moscow, plus Rafal Milach’s work on borders in The BJP

Sabiha Çimen Donell Johnson Jr., Grocer, from the window of the Mandela grocery store. Oakland, California. USA. 2021. © Sabiha Çimen | Magnum Photos

Sabiha Çimen photographs essential workers for The New York Times

A new piece on The New York Times spoke to seven essential workers in the United States, interviewing them a second time after a one-year interval, to map the seismic shifts that have taken place in the world of work during the pandemic, and to ask what the future holds for working people. Sabiha Çimen photographed these ‘workers on the edge’ for the newspaper, shooting images in person as well as remotely via video. See the piece and read the stories here.

Sabiha Çimen E., Cleaning Manager, while she is working from her home office, and taking care of her plants in Northern Virginia. Virginia. USA. 2021. © Sabiha Çimen | Magnum Photos

Nanna Heitmann documents Moscow snow for The Washington Post

The Washington Post recently shared an interactive story on the extreme snowy weather affecting Moscow, which focuses on images by Nanna Heitmann. On Saturday, over the course of a single day, the Russian capital was covered in the equivalent of 75 percent of the average snowfall for all of February. See the images here.

Nanna Heitmann © Nanna Heitmann | Magnum Photos
Nanna Heitmann © Nanna Heitmann | Magnum Photos

The Washington Post also shared Heitmann’s series following the fantastical world of clown, performance artist and puppeteer Andrey Soldatkin. Heitmann and Soldatkin depicted the transformation of domestic space into their own creative world. See the Washington Post piece here and read more about that project, on Magnum, here.

Nanna Heitmann On a rooftop with Hotel Ukraina in the background. Moscow. Russia. April 3 , 2020. © Nanna Heitmann | Magnum Photos

Rafal Milach’s borders work features in The BJP

The British Journal of Photography has interviewed Rafal Milach about his three projects focusing on border barriers – the US-Mexico Wall, the Berlin Wall, and the Hungarian ‘Orban’ wall along the nation’s borders with Croatia and Serbia. The photographer speaks to the magazine about the structures’ architectural and symbolic significances. Read it in the January/February print edition of the journal, and online here. The projects, which appear together as a compilation of zines, is titled I’m Warning You. Read more about one of the instalments — on the Hungarian border — on Magnum here.

Rafał Milach Remains of the wall at Bernauer Strasse, Berlin wall memorial. Berlin. Germany. 10.2019. © Rafał Milach | Magnum Photos

Jim Goldberg’s new publication on The BJP

The British Journal of Photography has also shared a piece about Jim Golderg’s latest publication, Fingerprint, which brings light to unseen images from his seminal photo series Raised by Wolves. Writing in a review of the publication, which gathers the images as a collection of facsimile Polaroids, Hannah Abel Hirsch says, “love, intimacy, hopelessness, rebellion, sadness and anger flood through the photographs, shedding light on the highs and lows of the eclectic mix of characters who populate them.” Read more here.

Jim Goldberg From Fingerprint. © Jim Goldberg | Magnum Photos

The Guardian and Digital Camera World feature Elliott Erwitt’s new book

A new book by Elliott Erwitt, Found, Not Lost, shares 170 previously unseen images from across the photographer’s 70-year career. This week, the book was featured in pieces on The Guardian and Digital Camera World. Writing in the latter, James Artaius says, “Known for his absurdist imagery and ‘visual one-liners’, the new book is a quieter, more contemplative collection that reflects how the artist’s eye and interpretation has developed in the decades since he took the images as a young man.” Read The Guardian’s piece here, and Digital Camera’s piece here.

Elliott Erwitt New Orleans, Louisiana. USA. 1947. © Elliott Erwitt | Magnum Photos

Alec Soth’s book, The Parameters of Our Cage, recommended by The Washington Post and Wallpaper*

The Washington Post has reviewed the book written by Alec Soth and C. Fausto Cabrera. Cabrera is an inmate at a Minnesota Correctional Facility who began a correspondence with Soth at the beginning of the pandemic. Their letters form a book exploring isolation, art, and its liberatory potentials. Read the review here and find an extract from the book on Magnum here. Wallpaper* magazine also recently named the book in its list of ‘Art books turning over a new leaf’: you can see the list here.

Alec Soth PIcture for Chris #1. Kathy and Steve's Farm. Isanti. Minneapolis. August 1, 2020. "After you and I talked on the phone for the first time, I got up the nerve to call Kathy. I didn’t want to bug he (...)
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