Micha Bar Am ISRAEL. A Border Guard armed car evacuates workers from the disputed territories in the Upper Galilee on the northern border of Israel. The machine-gun fire came from Tel-Azaziat outpost, which was (...)
part of the Syrian army fortifications on the western slopes of the Golan Heights. 1957 © Micha Bar Am | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar Am ISRAEL.1958. Kfar Saba, Ma'Abara (immigration camp).
Sara'le, a soldier teacher, born in the Kibbutz of Shefayim. During the 1950's women soldiers fulfilled functions in the absorption of immigra (...)
nts, education and teaching, youth instruction, weapons training for adults, and "adoption" of border settlements. © Micha Bar Am | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar Am Jerusalem. 1960. A briefing before setting out for a night ambush against infiltrators at the Border Guard base at the Bar Giora Police Station in the Jerusalem Hills. During this period, the Borde (...)
r Guards were employed in routine security operations, mainly at border settlements. © Micha Bar Am | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar Am Jerusalem 6th june 1967.On the second day of the war, an army convoy was rolling slowly through the city on its way north and east.After a night of artillery fire from the Jordanians, few Jerusalem (...)
ites were venturing out of their shelters.Suddenly a voice cried out from one of the trucks "Limaal" (Mother.....). A young soldier jumped off the truck and raced over to a gray haired woman standing on the sidewalk. He gave his mother a quick hug and ran to catch up with his convoy and war. © Micha Bar Am | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar Am ISRAEL. Oct. 1973. Israeli forces on their way to the BUDAPEST stronghold, a code name for the northernmost stronghold on the Bar Lev line. It was only one of the strongholds along the Suez Canal t (...)
hat did not fall to the Egyptians during the war. The stronghold was surrounded by Egyptian commandoes and suffered severe shelling. Israeli forces managed to reach the besieged stronghold after several attempts in which they sustained heavy losses.
Troops take shelter during the bombardment of the Budapest stronghold. © Micha Bar Am | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar Am 'Leftist' activists demonstrate opposite the Defence Ministry building in Tel Aviv to protest against the paving of patrol roads through refugee camps in the Gaza Strip, which led to the evacuation (...)
of inhabitants from their homes. Tel Aviv, Israel.1971. © Micha Bar Am | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar Am | Israel: A Photobiography The women's army Training Base no. 12 at Tzrifin, the central base of the Israeli Women's Corps, a former British Army Camp during World War II. Occasionally fashion and beauty treatment shows are (...)
given for the recruits. Tzrifin, Israel. 1973. © Micha Bar Am | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar Am Rabbi Moshe LEVINGER, one of the leaders of the "Gush Emunim" movement and one of the first settlers in Hebron, at a protest meeting against the desecration of sacred books in the TOMB OF THE PATRI (...)
ARCHS. Hebron 1976.The incident that sparked the rally took place in the nearby Tomb of the Patriarchs, holty to both Muslims and Jews because their common ancestor, Abraham, bought the site, the cave of Machpela, as a family burial ground, Jews and Arabs lived peaceably in Hebron for many years, but the slaughter of more than 60 Jews by their neighbours during Arab rioting in 1929 ended Jewish settlement there.Levinger and others point to the massacre as a reason for Jews to demonstrate their resolve and renew the community in Hebron. © Micha Bar Am | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar Am The Israeli flag flies over the settlement at Shilo, Samaria.1978.
This religious settlement was established near the site of the biblical city of the same name, which became a center for worship (...)
when the Israelites, after their trek through the Sinai Desert, captured the land from the Canaanites and set up the Ark of the Covenant there.A majority of settlers in the West Bank are religious, and are motivated by the historical connection with the biblical territories of Judea in the southern sector and Samaria in the north. © Micha Bar Am | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar Am | Israel: A Photobiography Israeli flags and washing, hang on the settlement lines. Ofra which was founded in 1975 is a religious community - hence the crocheted skullcaps along with the flags, underwear, and socks on a lau (...)
ndry line. They were making preparations for Independence Day celebrations. Ofrah, Israel. 1979. © Micha Bar Am | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar Am Jerusalem, Western Wall (Wailing Wall).1989. After the SIX DAY WAR a partition was put up in the plaza in front of the Wall to make a separation between the male and female worshippers. Women who (...)
protested and attempted to pray with Torah scrolls were attacked by ultra orthodox worshippers. Smoke greandes used by the police to disperse the crowd were caught by the demonstrators and thrown towards the women and the police. © Micha Bar Am | Magnum Photos