"Staircase of Death." Mauthausen KZ; Mauthausen, Austria. Prisoners were forced to carry on their shoulders huge blocks of stone from the quarry below up 186 steps. Many fell or were pushed to th (...)
eir death on the rocks below. The original rough-hewn, uneven steps have been repaired for vistors' safety.
Erich Hartmann Marker of a mass grave. Chelmno extermination camp site; Dabie, Poland. The first systematic gassing of Jews, in specifically designed vans, began here on December 8, 1941. In thirty-two months bet (...)
ween 150,000 and 320,000 Jews, Gypsies, and the children of Lidice were killed here. Then the Nazis destroyed the facility, now a memorial. © Erich Hartmann | Magnum Photos
Erich Hartmann "Judenbaracken" - the Jews' barracks. Sachsenhausen KZ; Sachsenhausen, Germany. The two barracks numbered 38 and 39, where Jews were kept, were set on fire in September 1992. The police apprehende (...)
d young right-wing redicals from Berlin and they were put on trial, then acquitted "for lack of sufficient evidence." A tent was errected over the ruins to prevent further deterioration. Discussions have been in progress, so far without results, between German authorities and interested organizations to decide whether to rebuild the barracks to their former condition as a museum or to leave them in their present state as a memorial. © Erich Hartmann | Magnum Photos