
In the Camps

Erich Hartmann POLAND. Oswiecim. 1994. Barbed wire encircles the remnants of the Birkenau concentration camp. © Erich Hartmann | Magnum Photos
Erich Hartmann AUSTRIA. Mauthausen. 1961. Perimeter wall of Mauthausen concentration camp. © Erich Hartmann | Magnum Photos
Erich Hartmann POLAND. Oswiecim. 1994. View from the main tower of Birkenau concentration camp. Of more than 300 original buildings, 67 are still standing. © Erich Hartmann | Magnum Photos
Erich Hartmann Wooden barracks. Bikenau KZ; Oswiecim, Poland. Originally Polish cavalry stables intended for 52 horses, each building later held as many as 1,000 prisoners in three-tiered bunks. © Erich Hartmann | Magnum Photos
Erich Hartmann Main gate. Buchenwald KZ; near Weimar, Germany. The slogan reads TO EACH HIS OWN. No one knows the origin or the reason for maxims such as this throughout the camp system. © Erich Hartmann | Magnum Photos
Erich Hartmann Slogans on rafters. Birkenau KZ. Oswiecim, Poland. The slogans read "Cleanliness means health"; "Be Honest"; "Keep Order"; "Honesty lasts the longest". © Erich Hartmann | Magnum Photos
Erich Hartmann POLAND. Oswiecim. 1994. A display of artificial limbs at Auschwitz concentration camp. © Erich Hartmann | Magnum Photos
Erich Hartmann Children's clothes in showcase. Auschwitz KZ. Oswiecim, Poland. More than a million children and infants are known to have perished in the Nazi camps. © Erich Hartmann | Magnum Photos
Erich Hartmann GERMANY. Hamburg. 1994. Brick factory and wagon at Neuengamme concentration camp. © Erich Hartmann | Magnum Photos
Erich Hartmann GERMANY. near Weimar. 1994. Quarry cart with rocks at Buchenwald concentration camp. © Erich Hartmann | Magnum Photos
Erich Hartmann CZECH REPUBLIC. Terezin. 1994. Infirmary of Theresienstadt Gestapo prison. © Erich Hartmann | Magnum Photos
Erich Hartmann GERMANY. near Weimar. 1994. Execution slope in stone quarry at Buchenwald concentration camp. © Erich Hartmann | Magnum Photos
"Staircase of Death." Mauthausen KZ; Mauthausen, Austria. Prisoners were forced to carry on their shoulders huge blocks of stone from the quarry below up 186 steps. Many fell or were pushed to th (...)
Erich Hartmann Gestapo court room in death bunker, Auschwitz KZ. Oswiecim, Poland. Being sentenced here meant either summary execution at the wall outside or being put into one of the punishment cells in the base (...)
Erich Hartmann GERMANY. Sachsenhausen. 1994. Dissection tables in medical barracks of Sachsenhausen concentration camp. © Erich Hartmann | Magnum Photos
Erich Hartmann Autopsy table in medical barracks. Natzweiler KZ. Near Le Struthof, France. © Erich Hartmann | Magnum Photos
Erich Hartmann Roll-call square with gallows. Natzweiler KZ; near Le Struthof, France. Hangings took place in front of assembled prisoners and were carried out so as to ensure a slow death. © Erich Hartmann | Magnum Photos
Erich Hartmann Ash pit. Birkenau KZ. Oswiecim, Poland. Ashes from the five crematorium buildings, each containing several ovens, were dumped here. © Erich Hartmann | Magnum Photos
Erich Hartmann Gas chamber. Majdanek KZ; near Lubin, Poland. At Majdanek 500,000 prisoners were gassed, drowned, shot, hanged or given lethal injections. © Erich Hartmann | Magnum Photos
Erich Hartmann Crematorium furnace. Dachau KZ; Dachau, Germany. All prisoners who died or were killed in the camps before the 1945 liberation were burned or buried in pits and have no marked graves. © Erich Hartmann | Magnum Photos
Erich Hartmann Marker of a mass grave. Chelmno extermination camp site; Dabie, Poland. The first systematic gassing of Jews, in specifically designed vans, began here on December 8, 1941. In thirty-two months bet (...)
Erich Hartmann AUSTRIA. Mauthausen. 1994. Gate to cells for political prisoners at Mauthausen concentration camp. © Erich Hartmann | Magnum Photos
Erich Hartmann "Judenbaracken" - the Jews' barracks. Sachsenhausen KZ; Sachsenhausen, Germany. The two barracks numbered 38 and 39, where Jews were kept, were set on fire in September 1992. The police apprehende (...)
Erich Hartmann POLAND. Lublin. 1994. Guard towers and the memorial of ashes at Majdanek concentration camp. © Erich Hartmann | Magnum Photos
Erich Hartmann NETHERLANDS. Westerbork. 1994. Barbed wire at Westerbork concentration camp. © Erich Hartmann | Magnum Photos