Robert Capa © International Center of Photography Young women being trained as Nationalist Chinese soldiers. After having lost Shanghai and Nankijng to the Japanese troops, CHANG KAI SHEK retreated to Hankou, where he resisted until late 1938. Han (...)
kou. Hubei, China. March, 1938. © Robert Capa © International Center of Photography | Magnum Photos
Carolyn Drake "Brother, they hung me like this. My hands were hung above and just my toes touched the ground. That's hell in this world." – father of a young man who tried to escape to Kyrgyzstan after the Urumq (...)
i riots in 2009. Kashgar. Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. China. 2011. © Carolyn Drake | Magnum Photos
Henri Cartier-Bresson CHINA. Beijing. December 1948. As the morning mists clear over Beijing, a city surrounded by Communist troops, the Kuomintang calls some 10 000 recruits, mostly shopkeepers and small businessmen, t (...)
o arms. Here they receive their orders in the courtyard of the Imperial Palace. © Henri Cartier-Bresson | Magnum Photos