Eli Reed USA. Edison, New Jersey. October 7, 2000. The Perth Amboy High School Class of 1965 Reunion at the Clarion Hotel in Edison. Classmates dance in a pleasant time zone daze as they forget the necessar (...)
y preparations for the avoidance of the coming sore muscles of the next day. © Eli Reed | Magnum Photos
Eli Reed USA. Orlando, Florida. 1993. Female Commanding Officer, Lt. Pat Lackey, walks through male recruits, being punished, while she enters company HQ at 6:00 AM.
©Eli Reed / Magnum Photos
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Eli Reed USA. San Francisco. 1999. Tenderloin. Merrill Anderson, 23, is Native American, originally from a Navajo reservation in Arizona. He has been homeless off and on for six years. He found the statuett (...)
e of a nun in Chinatown. He panhandles and sells found objects to get by. © Eli Reed | Magnum Photos