Bieke Depoorter This little girl is enjoying the last sun on the Chaguaramas Boardwalk, a wooden walkway for pedestrians with solar-powered lamps that do not effect turtles, birds or fauna and flora. The boardwalk (...)
is made form a combination of a concrete structure and recycled plastic decking. Trinidad. 2014. (c) Bieke Depoorter/Magnum Photos for UNEP © Bieke Depoorter | Magnum Photos
Thomas Dworzak 'Peace Island', a slum also named '540'. Most of the residents are former soldiers or members of armed groups who during a demilitarization campaign were payed $540 to lay down their weapons. There (...)
is no electricity in the area. Monrovia, Liberia. September, 2015. (c) Thomas Dworzak/Magnum Photos for UNEP © Thomas Dworzak | Magnum Photos
Thomas Dworzak Two women ( Marine Weeks/Moussou Juniors) from this village had been sent to India to participate in a solar energy workshop. Upon their return many households received solar panels. The German NGO (...)
SOS Kinderdorf has installed solar street lamps. This increases the feeling of security and the women participate in regular evening adult literacy classes in the solar workshop premises. Village of Juahtown, District #2, Brown Basa County, Liberia. September, 2015. (c) Thomas Dworzak/Magnum Photos for UNEP © Thomas Dworzak | Magnum Photos
Jérôme Sessini Regional bus station. In order to improve the high congestion of traffic, air pollution, and mobility in town, UNEP works on the project 'Bus Rapid Transit', by building a network of clean technolo (...)
gy buses. Addis Abeba, Ethiopia. November 20, 2013. (c) Jerome Sessini/Magnum Photos for UNEP © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos