Cristina de Middel BRAZIL. Rio de Janiero. 2015. Maginô, 46 years. International business. Divorced and has a daughter. He visits a prostitute twice a week and he pays 80 Rs (20 Euros) for a session. He doesn’t remem (...)
ber when he did this for the first time and he keeps doing it because he likes the variety and there’s no commitment. © Cristina de Middel | Magnum Photos
Cristina de Middel Silvio, 28 years. Security guard at a nightclub. Single. He visits a prostitute 3 times a week and he pays 180 Rs (40 Euros) for 40 minutes with two girls. He started making use of these services w (...)
hen he was 14, out of curiosity and he likes to spend time with women when he’s drunk. From the series: Gentleman's Club. Rio de Janiero, Brazil. 2015. © Cristina de Middel | Magnum Photos
Cristina de Middel BRAZIL. Rio de Janiero. 2015. Silvio, 28 years. Security guard at a nightclub. Single. He visits a prostitute 3 times a week and he pays 180 Rs (40 Euros) for 40 minutes with two girls. He started (...)
making use of these services when he was 14, out of curiosity and he likes to spend time with women when he’s drunk. From the series: Gentleman's Club. © Cristina de Middel | Magnum Photos
Cristina de Middel BRAZIL. Rio de Janiero. 2015. Charles doesn’t want to say his age. He’s a worker in the metal industry. He never got married and he has 3 children. He visits a prostitute 3 times a week and pays 50 (...)
to 100 Rs (12 – 25 Euros) per session. He started visiting prostitutes when he was 17 years old when his father took him to a strip club. He keeps visiting prostitutes because it’s something different and to gain experience by visiting these women. © Cristina de Middel | Magnum Photos
Cristina de Middel Luis prefers not to say how old he is. Electrician. Single and father of two sons. He visits a prostitute once a week and he pays 30 Rs (7 Euros) per session. He was 11 when he started using the se (...)
rvices of prostitutes and he keeps doing so because he feels very lonely. Rio de Janiero. 2015. Brazil. © Cristina de Middel | Magnum Photos
Cristina de Middel Marcus, 22 years old. Video editor. Single and no kids. He’s been to a prostitute 4 times and paid 60 Rs (14 Euros) for 30 minutes. His first was when he was 20 years old and he keeps going because (...)
he feels alone. Rio de Janiero, Brazil. 2015. © Cristina de Middel | Magnum Photos