Diana Markosian | School No.1 A diary entry written by Khristina Tsgoeva, who lost her sister, on the third day of the siege. "If I knew we wouldn't escape, I would've hugged you tightly those last few days. But I didn't even d (...)
o that. I didn't do anything. I am sorry." Beslan, Russia. 2014. © Diana Markosian | Magnum Photos
Diana Markosian | School No.1 On the day of the siege, Lena, 22, Zarina, 24, and Rozita, 20, walked to school together. They would later be forced to drink their own urine after days of thirst and starvation. All along, Rozita (...)
thought she was on a movie set. Beslan, Russia. 2014. © Diana Markosian | Magnum Photos
Diana Markosian | School No.1 Footage shot by terrorists shows a masked hostage-taker standing on a dead man's switch during the crisis. "They told us to hold our hands like bunnies. Then they filmed us. I got scared because I (...)
couldn't hold my mom's hand anymore," Alan Gapoyev, now 17. Beslan, Russia. 2014. © Diana Markosian | Magnum Photos