Burt Glinn Daisy Bates, President of the NAACP's Arkansas branch, congratulates three girls who've just completed their first day of integrated school in her kitchen. Left to right: Minnie Jean Brown, Thelma (...)
Mothershed, Mrs. Bates and Melba Pattillo. Little Rock. Arkansas, USA. September 26, 1957. © Burt Glinn | Magnum Photos
Burt Glinn "Little Rock Nine." First nine black students to attend Little Rock Central High School. Among these students is Mrs. Daisy Bates, president of the National Association for Advancement of Colored P (...)
eople's Arkansas Branch, with, on right, Minnie Jean Brown, Thelma Mothershed, and Melba Pattilo. Little Rock. Arkansas, USA. 1957. © Burt Glinn | Magnum Photos