“I remember your birthday in our house near Al-Jaak Mountain. Our house had two bedrooms and a living room. The living room had two doors, one opened to the east and the other opened to the west wh (...)
ere there was a kitchen. My mother was lying in the living room under a mosquito net. That day, my father and my sister Asia were traveling to Khartoum because our brother Sharif had gallstone surgery. He used to eat a lot of mud as a little kid. I was crying because I wanted to go with them. I was wearing a blue dress and I fell down in the mud, so they left me behind.”
“Asma.” From the project "22 Days in Between." Al-Fao, Sudan. 2021. © Salih Basheer / Magnum Photos
This is Daniel, from Jenin. He was born from sperm smuggled out of an Israeli prison after his father was sentenced to 20 years in prison without any evidence. Although Daniel was brought into the (...)
world in the most painstakingly difficult way, here he is innocently walking through a wheat field on the outskirts of Jenin. Blissfully unaware that shortly afterwards, explosions and gunfire would strike nearby. June 5, 2023. Silat al-Harithiya, Jenin, Palestine. © Sakir Khader / Magnum Photos
The cultivation of the poppy becomes a double-edged sword, a weapon that juxtaposes two cultures and visions of seeing the world, on the one hand, the preservation of an ancestral culture through t (...)
he improvement of the economy and for the other side the entrance to the capitalist and transnational world. This illustrates the clash over reconciliation and resistance, inclusion and autonomy, and the modern versus the traditional. A man burning a torito for a ritual in the sacred hill of La Garza to commemorate the end and beginning of the year. Intervened photography. Guerrero, Mexico. December 31, 2020. © Yael Martínez / Magnum Photos
Alin Granda at her father's home in Taxco, Guerrero. Ignacio Granda went missing in Iguala Guerrero on May 10, 2013 Alin was one year old. With more than 100 thousand deaths that the fight against (...)
organized crime has left, there is a generation of children growing in a context of violence. Intervened photography. Guerrero, Mexico. July 13, 2017. © Yael Martínez / Magnum Photos