Susan Meiselas NORTHERN IRAQ. Kurdistan. December 1991. Dr. Clyde Snow, internationally known forensic anthropologist, holds the blindfolded skull of an executed male teenager estimated to be between 15-18 years (...)
old. The skull was found with two bullet holes in his head. © Susan Meiselas | Magnum Photos
Robert Capa © International Center of Photography ALGERIA. Constantine. World War II. May 1943.
Members of the United States Air Force 301'st Bomber group, after a daylight mission.
The plane's landing gear had been shot away, but the pilot man (...)
aged to make a successful belly landing.
ICP 498 © Robert Capa © International Center of Photography | Magnum Photos
Peter van Agtmael AFGHANISTAN. Waigul Valley, Nuristan. 2007. A U.S. Blackhawk helicopter lands at the Ranch House, a small American outpost deep in the
mountains of eastern Afghanistan. There were no decent roads (...)
and all medevacs, re-supply and
transport were done by helicopter.
Blackhawks were in short supply, forcing the U.S. military to turn to outside contractors. They
rented ex-Soviet helicopters, rickety and ancient and known as “Jingle Air.” They came with
pilots, some of whom had served in the Russian Army during the previous war in Afghanistan.
They were storied figures, legendary for their bravery under fire and rumored to be heavy vodka
drinkers in flight. © Peter van Agtmael | Magnum Photos