Guy Le Querrec At the film Studios, in a film set created by Alexandre Trauner, reproducing New York jazz club the "Birdland".. Make up touch up before the shooting of a scene: in the center Dexter Gordon (tenor (...)
saxophone), on the right Freddie Hubbard (trumpet), in the background, Ron Carter (bass). Tuesday 20th August, 1985. Town of Epinay Sur Seine, Seine Saint-Denis Department, France. © Guy Le Querrec | Magnum Photos
Guy Le Querrec FRANCE. Haut-Rhin department. Alsace Region. Town of Mulhouse. 39 rue de la Sinne. Theatre of the Sinne. 1991.
In their dressing room, before the concert, the British jazz musicians from the "MIKE (...)
WESTBROOK ORCHESTRA." From left to right : foreground, reflecting in the mirror : Ben DAVIS (cello), headless Chris BISCOE (saxophone), Paul Nieman(trombone). Background: Adrian LANE (trombone), Graham RUSSELL (trumpet).
Thursday 5th September, 1991. © Guy Le Querrec | Magnum Photos
Jérôme Sessini Worker of the Daccia car factory.
On March 24, about 8,000 of the 13,000 workers at the Dacia car factory in Romania went on open-ended strike. One of their demands was a wage increase of 50-70 p (...)
ercent. For the first time in a strike in Romania, the strikers did not base their demand on standard wages in Romania but compared themselves to Renault workers in Turkey or France, who earn between 900 and 2000 euros for the same work (the workers at Dacia earn about 300 euros). This strike at Dacia is the most significant struggle in the Romanian private sector since 1989 and could be the beginning for a wave of strikes for better living conditions in Romania. Bucarest, Romania. 2008. © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos