Jérôme Sessini UKRAINE. Kiev. An Orthodox priest blesses the protesters on a barricade. February 20, 2014. Unidentified snipers opened fire on unarmed protesters as they were advancing on Instituska street. Accor (...)
ding to an official source, 70 protesters were shot dead. Ukrainian riot police claimed that several policeman were wounded or shot dead by snipers as well. An unofficial source said that snipers opened fire on the police and protesters at the same time in order to provoke both camps. © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos
Jérôme Sessini UKRAINE. Kiev. February 22, 2017.
Activists of far right groups and their supporters take part in the so-called March of Dignity, marking the third anniversary of the 2014 Ukrainian pro-European U (...)
nion mass protests, in Kiev. The rally was organized by three right-wing parties: Svoboda (Freedom) party, the far-right Right Sector and the newly formed National Corps party founded by members of the Azov battalion.
These parties accuse the government of being too weak and conciliatory in the face of Russia's annexation of Ukraine's Crimea region and its support for pro-Russian separatists in the east of the country. © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos
Jérôme Sessini Costia, 31, arrived in shock at a shelter given by the separatists. Scared civilians fleeing the area of Petrovsky (Suburb of Donetsk) as the Ukrainians forces launched several Grad missiles on pri (...)
vate houses. Separatists take the civilians to a safe area by bus and provide shelter in a base. Donetsk, Ukraine. July 12, 2014. © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos
Jérôme Sessini UKRAINE. Kiev. February 20, 2015.
Members of nationalist party Right Sector during a mass for Maidan victims in Institutska street.
First anniversary of the Maidan revolt. People and protesters w (...)
ho participated to the last year protests gather in Maidan square to pay tribute to the victims of the repression. On February 20th 2014, tens of protesters were killed on the barricades in Instituska street. © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos
Jérôme Sessini On February 20th, unidentified snipers open fire on disarmed protesters as they were advancing on Instituska street. According to an official source, 70 protesters were shot dead. Ukrainian riot po (...)
lice claimed that several policemen were wounded or shot dead by snipers as well. An unofficial source claims that snipers opened fire on the police and protesters at the same time in order to provoke both camps. Kiev, Ukraine. © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos
Jérôme Sessini Activists of far right groups and their supporters take part in the so-called March of Dignity, marking the third anniversary of the 2014 Ukrainian pro-European Union mass protests, in Kiev. The ra (...)
lly was organized by three right-wing parties: Svoboda (Freedom) party, the far-right Right Sector and the newly formed National Corps party founded by members of the Azov battalion.
These parties accuse the government of being too weak and conciliatory in the face of Russia's annexation of Ukraine's Crimea region and its support for pro-Russian separatists in the east of the country. Kiev, Ukraine. February 22, 2017. © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos
Jérôme Sessini The national Donetsk university has been turned into a shelter for displaced people from Donbass. Since Ukrainian forces launched its military operation against separatists, a lot of civilians have (...)
fled from their houses because of the fighting. About 1,200 people, of which 170 children, live in the university and receive food and care provided by the separatists. Donetsk, Ukraine. August 12, 2014. © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos
Jérôme Sessini Natasha, 37, neurodegenerative disease, and Yuri, 43, who lost his two legs during a bombing of Ukrainian forces over Octoberskyi district in Donestk. The couple met in the hospice where they are l (...)
iving and they want to get married. Donbass, Ukraine. October 10, 2015. © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos
Jérôme Sessini UKRAINE. Donbass. October 13, 2015.
Fighting between separatist insurgents affiliated with the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) and Ukrainian government forces broke out at Donetsk International Ai (...)
rport in september 2014 completely destroying the airport. © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos
Jérôme Sessini UKRAINE. Donbass. October 13, 2015.
Fighting between separatist insurgents affiliated with the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) and Ukrainian government forces broke out at Donetsk International Ai (...)
rport in september 2014 completely destroying the airport. © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos
Jérôme Sessini UKRAINE. Donbass. October 13, 2015.
Fighting between separatist insurgents affiliated with the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) and Ukrainian government forces broke out at Donetsk International Ai (...)
rport in september 2014 completely destroying the airport. © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos
Jérôme Sessini UKRAINE. Donbass. October 13, 2015.
Fighting between separatist insurgents affiliated with the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) and Ukrainian government forces broke out at Donetsk International Ai (...)
rport in september 2014 completely destroying the airport. © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos
Thomas Dworzak Chechen fighters drag a fallen comrade.
The Chechen fighters had left Grozny after several months of fighting the Russians. Two groups of about 2000 fighters left Grozny through a mine field and (...)
several hundred were killed or lost their feet. Alkhan-Kala. February, 2002. © Thomas Dworzak | Magnum Photos
Thomas Dworzak 02/2000. Alkhan-Kala.
An injured Chechen fighter in a hospital.
The Chechen fighters had left Grozny after several month of fighting the Russians. Two groups of about 2000 fighters left Groz (...)
ny through a mine field and several hundred where killed or lost their feet. © Thomas Dworzak | Magnum Photos