Robert Capa After immigrants arrive in Israel, each one is provided with a bedstead and a mattress. After dis-embarking they are first taken to Shaar Aliyah (The Gate), a transit camp, where they get their med (...)
ical examination and registration, and from here they are sent to different cities, work camps, settlements or homes for the aged and the sick.In St Luke's camp, now called Shaar Aliyah, there is a constant motion of iron bedsteads and mattresses.When the immigrans for for another camp, they take their bedding with them. © Robert Capa © International Center of Photography | Magnum Photos
Robert Capa Mayor of Tel-Aviv, Israel Rokach, also leader of general zionists (political party) making a political speech at time of Municipal elections of the Tel Aviv-Yafo region at the Hatikva Quarter. Tel- (...)
Aviv, Israel. 1950. © Robert Capa © International Center of Photography | Magnum Photos
Robert Capa Old quarter of Jerusalem just after the cease fire of summer of 48, the water truck renews its rounds, this is the day of Sabbath (Friday) and everything must be prepared according to rites. Jerusa (...)
lem, Israel. June, 1948. © Robert Capa © International Center of Photography | Magnum Photos