Alec Soth At "A Little White Wedding Chapel." The vintage gloves of Katy Leighfield. She first met her husband, Andy Nicholls, when they were kids in England, 27 years ago. “I always had a crush on her,” Nic (...)
holls says, but he wasn’t sure if it was reciprocated. (For the record, it was: “He was crap at reading signs,” Leighfield says.) Then life happened. They went off to University, and Leighfield moved to Australia for 13 years. One day, they reconnected through Facebook, and then they fell in love. Dressed in matching powder-blue outfits, which Katy sourced through both vintage and mainstream shops, they say of their Vegas wedding: “It’s more us.” Las Vegas. USA. February 14, 2019. © Alec Soth | Magnum Photos
George Rodger Young lady models "Utility", blackout and ARP (Air Raid Precaution) outfit. Utility was the term used for the immediate cutting down of all commodities to bare essentials in both material and quali (...)
ty. Girls on the ARP patrols adopted boiler suits, or cloaks with woolen hoods, woolen scarves and mufflers, and gloves with white palms (sometimes luminous) to show up in the dark of black out which was imposed every night at sundown. London. England. GB. 1940. © George Rodger | Magnum Photos