Theory & Practice

Photographing a Crisis

Robert Capa © International Center of Photography The Shaar Aliyah reception center for newly arrived refugees. Near Haifa, Israel. 1950. © Robert Capa © International Center of Photography | Magnum Photos
Robert Capa © International Center of Photography Newly arrived refugees at Haifa harbor being transported to a receiving camp of Shaar Aliyah. Haifa, Israel. 1950. © Robert Capa © International Center of Photography | Magnum Photos
Robert Capa © International Center of Photography East European immigrants arriving by boat in the harbor. Haifa, Israel. 1950. © Robert Capa © International Center of Photography | Magnum Photos
Robert Capa © International Center of Photography A class in an outdoor school for immigrant children in the Parod transit camp. Israel. 1950. © Robert Capa © International Center of Photography | Magnum Photos
Robert Capa © International Center of Photography Newly arrived immigrants at the receiving camp of Shaar Aliyah. Near Haifa, Israel. 1950. © Robert Capa © International Center of Photography | Magnum Photos
Robert Capa © International Center of Photography Settlers at the Shaar Aliyah reception camp. Near Haifa, Israel. 1950. © Robert Capa © International Center of Photography | Magnum Photos
Patrick Zachmann Immigrants emerge from the camp for another attempt to cross the Channel and enter Britain illegally. Sangatte, Pas-de-Calais, France. February 29, 2001. © Patrick Zachmann | Magnum Photos
Robert Capa © International Center of Photography The loading of the luggage of newly arrived immigrants by boat from Europe, at the reception center near Haifa. Israel. 1950. © Robert Capa © International Center of Photography | Magnum Photos
Chris Steele-Perkins Refugees in the desert at the Sha-alaan One camp. Orderly food lines with thousands of refugees waiting calmly for food distribution from the Caritas charity organization. Jordan. 1990. © Chris Steele-Perkins | Magnum Photos
Paolo Pellegrin Syrian father with his daughter in the Kara Tepe refugee camp three kilometers outside Mytilini. Lesbos, Greece. 2015. © Paolo Pellegrin | Magnum Photos
Patrick Zachmann On the road at night, a small family of illegal immigrants which fled the Taliban, has succeeded to cross the Aegean sea from the Turkish border and reached Lesbos. They are happy to be in Europe b (...)
Alex Majoli Refugees wait for nightfall in the small town near the border before trying to cross to France again. Ventimiglia, Italy. 2011. © Alex Majoli | Magnum Photos
Thomas Dworzak Refugees, mostly from Syria and Afghanistan walk unhindered through a gap in the Hungarian border fence on a defective railway line but are collected for processing by Hungarian authorities. Those (...)
Alex Majoli A refugee waits during a police investigation. French authorities frequently arrest refugees who are then likely to face repatriation to Italy, their point of entry into the country. Menton, Franc (...)
Alex Majoli On May 9, this boat carrying 528 refugees from Libya, broke apart on the coast of Lampedusa. At least 1,680 have died en route between April and June. Lampedusa, Italy. 2011. © Alex Majoli | Magnum Photos
Mark Power Zaatari Syrian Refugee Camp. First opened in July 2012, Zaatari is currently a temporary home to 80,000 Syrian refugees. Near Mafraq, Jordan. October 20, 2015. © Mark Power | Magnum Photos
Mark Power Extended family in the hut they all share in the Zaatari Syrian Refugee Camp. Near Mafraq, Jordan. October 23, 2015. © Mark Power | Magnum Photos
Mark Power Bridal shop on the Champs Elysees, the principle commercial street in the Zaatari Syrian Refugee Camp. On average there are four weddings per week in the camp. Near Mafraq, Jordan. October 20, 2015. © Mark Power | Magnum Photos
Mark Power Sports facility in the Azraq Syrian Refugee Camp. First opened in April 2014, Azraq is currently a temporary home to 40,000 Syrian refugees, although it has the capacity to house 130,000. Jordan. O (...)
Mark Power The wedding dress of a 52-year old bride in the hut she shares with her 57-year old husband. They were married in the camp three days before. Azraq Syrian Refugee Camp, Jordan. October 22, 2015. © Mark Power | Magnum Photos
Paolo Pellegrin Wooden boats are seen after the evacuation of migrants. The members from the MSF ship, Bourbon Argos removed the boats’ engines and spray-painted messages on the decks saying that a rescue had bee (...)
Paolo Pellegrin Eritrean migrants are seen in their boat as they are about to be rescued by MSF (Médecins Sans Frontières). The MSF-hired ship, named 'Bourbon Argos', was patrolling the waters off of Libya when it (...)
Paolo Pellegrin Eritrean migrants are seen in their boat as they are about to be rescued by MSF. Approximately 10-15 nautical miles off the Libyan coast, Mediterranean Sea. July 27, 2015. © Paolo Pellegrin | Magnum Photos
Paolo Pellegrin Eritrean migrants, who were rescued at sea by a ship hired by MSF. Médecins Sans Frontières, are seen on deck as the ship transports them to Reggio Calabria, Italy. Mediterranean Sea. July 27, 2015. © Paolo Pellegrin | Magnum Photos