Social Issues

Children of Europe

David Seymour | Children of Europe A girl who was raped during the war, in the Albergo dei Poveri reformatory learning embroidery. Naples, Italy. 1948. © David Seymour | Magnum Photos
David Seymour | Children of Europe Boys play in bombed-out buildings in the working-class district of Favoriten. Vienna, Austria. 1948. © David Seymour | Magnum Photos
David Seymour | Children of Europe This little girl, suffering from spinal tuberculosis, must wear a special stiff body jacket. Bellevue Hospital for children. Vienna, Austria. 1948. © David Seymour | Magnum Photos
David Seymour | Children of Europe These young Neapolitans like the danger of the forbidden practice of hanging on to the backs of street cars. Naples, Italy. 1948. © David Seymour | Magnum Photos
David Seymour | Children of Europe Girl selling cigarettes which she gets from the Black Market, to people at the cafes. Naples, Italy. 1948. © David Seymour | Magnum Photos
David Seymour Naples. A young prostitute in the Albergo dei Poveri reformatory. Prostitutes, vagrants, and thieves were also sent there by the Naples Juvenile Court and taught embroidery by Catholic nuns. Over (...)
David Seymour | Children of Europe A prison for juvenile delinquents. A young prostitute in her cell. The sign on her cell door says, 'Venereal disease - contagious'. Vienna, Austria. 1948. © David Seymour | Magnum Photos
David Seymour | Children of Europe Some of the young Napolitans placed in a reformatory in the Albergo dei Poveri by order of the Juvenile Court. Naples, Italy. 1948. © David Seymour | Magnum Photos
David Seymour | Children of Europe Children play with a ball in the grounds of the home for war affected children. It is one of many such institutions in Italy that take care of the large numbers of wounded children. Rome, Italy. 1948. © David Seymour | Magnum Photos
David Seymour | Children of Europe A boy in blankets waits while his clothes are deloused in the children's detention room of the Women's Police Corps. He has been found in the streets, in need of care. Near Budapest, Hungry. 1948. © David Seymour | Magnum Photos
David Seymour HUNGARY. Pilis. 1948. Noon meal for the village children. This half-destroyed house was repaired by the community and decorated attractively to serve as a kindergarten. © David Seymour | Magnum Photos
David Seymour | Children of Europe Child smiling at the home for war affected children where the blind learn to read braille and others are taught how best to make use of the limbs they have. Rome, Italy. 1948. © David Seymour | Magnum Photos
David Seymour AUSTRIA. Vienna. 1948. © David Seymour | Magnum Photos
David Seymour Orphan girls playing amid the ruins of their former orphanage. Latium, Italy. Monte Cassino. 1948. © David Seymour | Magnum Photos
David Seymour | Children of Europe Secondary school experiment to prove volume of oxygen in air. Warsaw, Poland. 1948. © David Seymour | Magnum Photos
David Seymour | Children of Europe Children's printing plant at the Children's Republic. During summer about 2000 children were camping there and a special camp newspaper was printed. Near Budapest, Hungry. 1948. © David Seymour | Magnum Photos