
The Six Day War

Micha Bar Am A portrait of Egyptian President Abdul Nasser leaning against a destroyed Egyptian tank. Sinai, Egypt. 1967. © Micha Bar Am | Magnum Photos
René Burri An Israeli soldier on guard at the destroyed railroad bridge at El Quantarah. Israel. 1967. © René Burri | Magnum Photos
René Burri Russian made tanks, belonging to the Egyptian Army, abandoned in the Sinai desert after the Israeli attack. Sinai desert. 1967. © René Burri | Magnum Photos
René Burri Remnants of a destroyed Russian made helicopter on the Egyptian airforce base of Bir Gafgafa, in the Sinai Israeli occupied zone. Israel. 1967. © René Burri | Magnum Photos
Bruno Barbey The Shell refineries and the Suez oil refineries on fire after an attack by the Israelis. Port Suez, Egypt. 1967. © Bruno Barbey | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar Am After the capture of the Temple Mount and the Western Wall in East Jerusalem, a force of Israeli paratroopers made their way to the Dung Gate where they were met by sniper fire. This man was killed (...)
René Burri Some of the fiercest fighting in Sinai occurred on the Mitla Pass, directly east of Suez. Egypt. 1967. © René Burri | Magnum Photos
René Burri Some of the fiercest fighting in Sinai occurred on the Mitla Pass, directly east of Suez. Involving hundreds of tanks, the battle lasted an entire night and resulted in the almost complete oblitera (...)
Micha Bar Am The Israeli Minister of Defense, General Moshe Dayan, at the Kalandiya Refugee Camp. West Bank. 1967. © Micha Bar Am | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar Am Israeli troops making their way towards the Dome of the Rock Mosque in East Jerusalem, which they captured from the Jordanians. East Jerusalem. June, 1967. © Micha Bar Am | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar Am After the capture of the Temple Mount and the Western Wall, a force of Israeli paratroopers make their way to the Dung Gate, where they were attacked by sniper fire. East Jerusalem. June 7, 1967. © Micha Bar Am | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar Am An improvised flag on an Israeli Defense Forces vehicle during the capture of East Jerusalem. In the background, tombstones from the Second Temple period are visible. The Valley of Kidron, Jerusale (...)
Micha Bar Am Israeli Army Chief of Staff Yitzhak Rabin being shown damage inflicted against Egyptian military installations by the Israeli attack in the Sinai and Suez Canal areas. Israel. 1967. © Micha Bar Am | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar Am An Israeli soldier after the conquest of the Golan Heights in Syria, mocking a Syrian battle cry poster. Israel. 1967. © Micha Bar Am | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar Am In occupied East Jerusalem, members of the Israeli Defense Force arrive to liberate Salakh E Din Street. East Jerusalem. 1967. © Micha Bar Am | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar Am Israeli Army Chief of Staff, Yitzhak Rabin, on a flight over the Suez Canal region during the Sinai Campaign. Israel. 1967. © Micha Bar Am | Magnum Photos
Cornell Capa © International Center of Photography In the newly liberated East Jerusalem, Prime Minister David Ben Gurion congratulates Israeli soldiers at the Dome of the Rock. Israel. June 8, 1967. © Cornell Capa © International Center of Photography | Magnum Photos
Cornell Capa © International Center of Photography Victory celebrations. Jerusalem, Israel. 1967. © Cornell Capa © International Center of Photography | Magnum Photos
Cornell Capa Israeli Army columns advancing through the Sinai desert. Israel. 1967. © Cornell Capa © International Center of Photography | Magnum Photos
Leonard Freed The remains of an Arab soldier three weeks after the end of the Six-Day War. El Arish, Israel. 1967. © Leonard Freed | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar Am The original caption by Micha Bar-Am for this image reads, "A woman raises her arms to Israeli soldiers who took part in the liberation of Eastern Jerusalem, which had been occupied by Jordan since (...)
Micha Bar Am Syrian prisoners of war being returned to their country by Israeli military police. Golan Heights. July, 1967. © Micha Bar Am | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar-Am ISRAEL. The Six Day War. 1967. Jerusalem, 7 June. Liberation of old city, D. Ben Gurion at Dome of the Rock. On the morning of the 5th June 1967, the SIX DAY WAR broke out.After a period of tensio (...)
Micha Bar Am Israeli Army Chief of Staff, General Yitzhak Rabin, with Israeli reservist troops along the Suez Canal during the Six Day War. Israel. June, 1967. © Micha Bar Am | Magnum Photos
Cornell Capa © International Center of Photography One of the first civilian visitors to the newly liberated city of Jerusalem was Prime Minister David Ben Gurion, pictured here at the Wailing Wall. Jerusalem, Israel. June 7, 1967. © Cornell Capa © International Center of Photography | Magnum Photos
Cornell Capa © International Center of Photography Israeli soldiers come to pray at the newly reclaimed Wailing Wall in Eastern Jerusalem, captured from the Jordanians. Jerusalem, Israel. June 7, 1967. © Cornell Capa © International Center of Photography | Magnum Photos
Leonard Freed Israeli soldiers, who recaptured the Old City from the Jordanians during the Six Day War, triumphantly carry a confiscated portrait of Jordan's King Hussein. On the right are the old ramparts of th (...)
Micha Bar-Am ISRAEL. The Six Day War. 1967. Israeli troops triumphantly entering the Old City of East Jerusalem they have captured from the Jordanians. June 1967. © Micha Bar-Am | Magnum Photos
Leonard Freed ISRAEL Jerusalem. 1967. After the Six Day War, the western wall of Solomon's temple became once again a gathering place for Jewish prayer. © Leonard Freed | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar Am The Temple Mount, East Jerusalem, 7th June 1967. In front of the Mosque of the Dome of the Rock in former occupied East Jerusalem near the site of the Temple Mount which is sacred to Jews, happy Is (...)
René Burri Jerusalem. Jewish children praying at the Wailing Wall after the end of the Six Day War during which it was inaccessible. Women, men and children all pray separately. © René Burri | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar Am ISRAEL. Golan Heights. 6 days War aftermath. 1967.

Tel Azaziat, former Syrian outpost on the Golan Heights, now in the hands of Israel.An Israeli settler visiting the newly conquered site. © Micha Bar Am | Magnum Photos
Leonard Freed ISRAEL. Jerusalem. 1967. Hassidum students dance and sing on their way home after praying at the liberation of the Wailing Wall, or Western Wall. © Leonard Freed | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar Am GOLAN HEIGHTS. The Syrian highlands, an outpost of Tel Azaziat captured by the Israelis during the "6 day war" in June 1967, is visited by an Israeli farmer and his son from an nearby Israeli settl (...)
Cornell Capa A Palestinian is enraged at the Israelis for having destroyed his house during the Six Day War. Israel. 1967. © Cornell Capa © International Center of Photography | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar Am Israeli soldieers unloading landing craft as they take over Sharm El Sheikh on the Straits of Tiran, an island in the Red Sea, during the 1967 war. © Micha Bar Am | Magnum Photos
Cornell Capa © International Center of Photography ISRAEL. Negev Desert. 1967. A soldier's early morning prayers during the Six-Day War. © Cornell Capa © International Center of Photography | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar Am Syrian civilians returning to their country along route G.1 to Damascus after the war. Golan Heights. 1967. © Micha Bar Am | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar Am Refugees crossing back into Israel over the Allenby Bridge after the War. Israel. August, 1967. © Micha Bar Am | Magnum Photos
Leonard Freed ISRAEL. Jerusalem. Six Day War. An Arab boy on the devastated streets of the captured old city of Jerusalem. June 1967. © Leonard Freed | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar Am Jorday Valley, refugees in a camp making their way back to Jordan after the 1967 war when the territory was claimed as the West Bank occupied territory. © Micha Bar Am | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar-Am ISRAEL. The Six Day War. 1967. Bedouin shepherd's children with their belongings and tents are being transported from northern grazing grounds to their southern fields, on the eve of the 6 day war. (...)
Micha Bar-Am ISRAEL. The Six Day War. June 1967. After having conquered Jordan and occupied Jerusalem the Israeli forces moved and gained control of the West Bank of the Jordan River.Thousands of refugees fled (...)
Leonard Freed JORDAN. 1967. During the Six Day War, Arab refugees cross the Allenby Bridge over the Jordan River on their way into Jordan. © Leonard Freed | Magnum Photos
Leonard Freed JORDAN. 1967. An old blind woman and a woman with child in the Jericho Arab refugee camp during the Six Day War. © Leonard Freed | Magnum Photos
Leonard Freed ISRAEL. Jerusalem. 1967. Crossing the former No Man's Land between Israel and Jordan after the Six Day War. © Leonard Freed | Magnum Photos
Leonard Freed ISRAEL. Jerusalem. 1967. No Man's Land between Israel and Jordan, during the Six Day War. © Leonard Freed | Magnum Photos
Leonard Freed A memorial ceremony for the Israeli soldiers killed during the SIX DAY WAR of June 1967, held at the Hebrew Stadium in Jerusalem, where each helmet represents a dead soldier. © Leonard Freed | Magnum Photos