Erich Lessing | 50 Years Of Photography Meeting at the Eiffel Tower. (Left to right) German Ambassador Wilhelm Hausenstein; West-German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer; the French High Commissioner André Francois-Poncet and German press-chief (...)
of Mr Adenauer, Mr. Von Bretano. Paris, France. April, 1951. © Erich Lessing | Magnum Photos
Erich Lessing | 50 Years Of Photography The German politician Kurt Schumacher, chairman of the West-German Social-Democratic Party and leader of the parliamentary group. He lost a leg and an arm in World War I and spent years in Nazi con (...)
centration camps. Here he is helped by his assistant, Mrs. Annemarie Renger (later president of the Bundestag). Bonn, Germany. 1951. © Erich Lessing | Magnum Photos
Erich Lessing | 50 Years Of Photography Soviet Prime Minister Nikolaï Boulganine, US President Dwight D. Eisenhower, French Prime Minister Edgar Faure and British Prime Minister Sir Anthony Eden pose for the press in the courtyard of the (...)
League of Nations building during the Geneva summit conference. Geneva, Switzerland. July, 1955. © Erich Lessing | Magnum Photos