Theory & Practice

Most People Were Silent

Sim Chi Yin DIPTYCH / Left: A factory producing into the night, in Manpo, North Korea, October 2017. / A factory, perhaps making cement, continues production into the night in Manpo, Chagang Province, North Ko (...)
Sim Chi Yin Left: A border guard in his sentry post on the China-North Korea border, close to a suspected North Korean missile base, October 2017. / As seen from the Chinese side, a guard inside a sentry borde (...)
Sim Chi Yin DIPTYCH / Left: A chimney and factory building in Manpo, Chagang Province, North Korea, October 2017. / A chimney and factory building making unspecified products in Manpo, Chagang Province, North (...)
Sim Chi Yin DIPTYCH / Left: Fence along the China-North Korea border, near Tumen city, May 2015. / China and North Korea share a 1,420km border, separated by two rivers and a mountain. This gate was in a fen (...)
Sim Chi Yin Left: Hatches over silos which in the 1970s held missiles meant to shoot down incoming Soviet warheads, North Dakota, November 2017. / A missile field in rural North Dakota near the Canadian border (...)
Sim Chi Yin USA. November, 2017. Hatches over silos which in the 1970s held missiles meant to shoot down incoming Soviet warheads, North Dakota. / A missile field in rural North Dakota near the Canadian border (...)
Sim Chi Yin Left: A border guard in his sentry post on the China-North Korea border, close to a suspected North Korean missile base, October 2017. / As seen from the Chinese side, a guard inside a sentry borde (...)
Sim Chi Yin October, 2017. A border guard in his sentry post on the China-North Korea border, close to a suspected North Korean missile base. / As seen from the Chinese side, a guard inside a sentry border pos (...)
Sim Chi Yin USA. November, 2017. The deputy commander's desk at the Oscar-Zero Missile Alert Facility in Cooperstown, North Dakota. / The Deputy Missile Control Center Commander’s desk at the Oscar-Zero Missi (...)
Sim Chi Yin USA. 2017. A launch key for Minuteman II missiles from the Oscar-Zero Missile Alert Facility in Cooperstown, North Dakota. This key, along with a second one, would have to be turned at exactly th (...)
Sim Chi Yin The exhaust and air intake stacks for the underground power plant at the Stanley R. Mickelson Site. USA. 2017. © Sim Chi Yin | Magnum Photos
Sim Chi Yin USA. November, 2017. Inside an anti-ballistic missile defense radar facility, North Dakota. / The back of one of four array antenna, each on one side of a pyramidal structure that was the Missile S (...)
Sim Chi Yin An anti-ballistic missile defense radar facility, North Dakota. / The pyramid-shaped Missile Site Control Building stands in the middle of the Stanley R Mickelsen SAFEGUARD Complex. This anti-balli (...)
Sim Chi Yin USA. 2017. ‘Cuban Missile Crisis Matryoshka Dolls’. These artifacts were created by an unknown artist who painted important figures in the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis onto traditional Matryoshka dol (...)
Sim Chi Yin USA. 2017. The W-80 warhead developed by Los Alamos National Lab between June 1976 and January 1981. This warhead is used on three different missiles, the BGM0109 Tomahawk SLCM (Sea Launched Cruise (...)
Sim Chi Yin USA. 2017. An antenna used by crew members of missile site 571-7, which could fire a Titan II missile tipped with a 9 megaton thermonuclear warhead – largest warhead every deployed on an ICBM by th (...)
Sim Chi Yin A Titan II Missile in its silo at a former intercontinential ballistic missile site in Arizona. / A Titan II Missile in its silo at a former intercontinential ballistic missile site in Arizona, now (...)
Sim Chi Yin USA. Novemberm 2017. The desk of a commander in a control room of a decommissioned Titan II Missile Site in Arizona. / This was the desk of a launch commander in a control center which could fire a (...)
Sim Chi Yin USA. Novemberm 2017. A decommissioned Boeing B52 bomber at the Davis-Monthan Air Force Base Boneyard in Tucson, Arizona. / A decommissioned Boeing B52 bomber at the Davis-Monthan Air Force Base Bo (...)
Sim Chi Yin USA. 2017. ‘Nuclear Bomb Effects Computer’. This circular slide rule was designed to tell the user how much damage they could expect from a nuclear explosion. It can calculate the extent of physic (...)
Sim Chi Yin USA. 2017. Steam rises from the Columbia River Generating Station, a nuclear power plant only a few kilometers from the Hanford Site. It would have been common for local people to see steam rising (...)
Sim Chi Yin USA. 2017. The C Reactor, which was completed in 1952, was the sixth nuclear reactor built at the Hanford site. It ran for 16 years before being shut down in 1969. The C Reactor was the first of H (...)
Sim Chi Yin USA. November, 2017. Atop a hill looking into the Nellis Air Force Range outside Indian Springs, Nevada, near the Nevada Test Site. / A facility atop a hill looking into the Nellis Air Force Range (...)
Sim Chi Yin USA. November, 2017. On the fringes of the Nevada Test Site, where over 900 nuclear tests were done 1951 to 1992. / On the other side of these mountains lies the Sedan Crater, the largest crater of (...)
Sim Chi Yin October 28, 2017. Looking from China into North Korea over Mount Paektu, elevation 2,744 m, an active volcano on the border of the two countries. The mountain and the crater lake formed by a volcan (...)
Sim Chi Yin Flying over the China-North Korea border. / China and North Korea share a 1,420km border, separated by two rivers -- the Yalu and Tumen -- and a mountain. China has stepped up border patrols and b (...)
Sim Chi Yin Looking into North Korea from the north peak of Mount Paektu, elevation 2,744 m, an active volcano on the border of North Korea and China. The mountain and the crater lake formed by a volcanic erup (...)
Sim Chi Yin A barbed wire fence guards the Chinese side of the shore near Tumen city, on the border with Namyang on the North Korean side. May, 2015. © Sim Chi Yin | Magnum Photos
Sim Chi Yin CHINA. 2015. Fence along the China-North Korea border, near Tumen city, May 2015. / China and North Korea share a 1,420km border, separated by two rivers and a mountain. This gate was in a fence a (...)
Sim Chi Yin 2017. A factory continues production into the night in Manpo, Chagang Province, North Korea, photographed from across the Yalu River from close to the northeastern Chinese city of Ji'an, Jilin prov (...)
Sim Chi Yin October, 2017, A factory producing into the night, in Manpo, North Korea. / A factory, perhaps making cement, continues production into the night in Manpo, Chagang Province, North Korea, photograph (...)
Sim Chi Yin October, 2017. The North Korean city of Hyesan, about 120km from North Korea's nuclear test site. / The city of Hyesan in North Korea's Ryanggang province sits across the Yalu River from the Chines (...)
Sim Chi Yin USA. November, 2017. The B Reactor at the Hanford Site, Washington State, USA -- the world’s first full-scale plutonium reactor, November 2017. / The B Reactor at the Hanford Site, in Washington St (...)
Sim Chi Yin USA. 2017. The Hanford High School building is one of the only buildings from the period before the Hanford Site was seized by the US government that is still standing. Opened in 1906, it was close (...)
Sim Chi Yin 2017. A chimney and factory building making unspecified products in Manpo, Chagang Province, North Korea, shot from across the Yalu River near the northeastern Chinese city of Ji'an, Jilin province (...)