Peter van Agtmael Cuba. Guantanamo Bay. 2017. A press tour of the prison camp at the U.S. military installation in Guantanamo Bay. 41 detainees are currently held there. The camp was established by George W. Bush (...)
in 2002. It was pledged to be closed by Obama, but he was unsuccessful. However the detainee population was reduced from 245 to 41. Since the detainees have been detained indefinitely without trial and several were severely tortured, the camp is generally considered a major breach of human rights. © Peter van Agtmael | Magnum Photos
Mikhael Subotzky South Africa. Cape Town. 2004. Johnny Fortune climbs out of the industrial washer after taking a bath in the laundry at Pollsmoor Maximum Security Prison. Having spent most of his years in prison, (...)
he dislikes the communal showers, and chooses to bath like this during his shifts working in the prison laundry. © Mikhael Subotzky | Magnum Photos
Peter van Agtmael Cuba. Guantanamo Bay. 2017.Detainees in Camp 6 during a press tour of the prison camp at the U.S. military installation in Guantanamo Bay. 41 detainees are currently held there. The camp was estab (...)
lished by George W. Bush in 2002. It was pledged to be closed by Obama, but he was unsuccessful. However the detainee population was reduced from 245 to 41. Since the detainees have been detained indefinitely without trial and several were severely tortured, the camp is generally considered a major breach of human rights. © Peter van Agtmael | Magnum Photos
Jim Goldberg Stateville Prison. F house. There were originally four circular cell houses radiating around a central mess hall. The buildings were based on Jeremy Bentham's 1787 design for the panopticon prison (...)
house. The first round house was completed in 1919, the other three were finished in 1927. F house is the last remaining panopticon cell house. It's used for segregating inmates from the general prison population and for holding inmates who are awaiting trial or transfer. -Doug DuBois & Jim Goldberg. Illinois. USA. 2002. © Jim Goldberg | Magnum Photos
Jim Goldberg Stateville Prison. F house. There were originally four circular cell houses radiating around a central mess hall. The buildings were based on Jeremy Bentham's 1787 design for the panopticon prison (...)
house. The first round house was completed in 1919, the other three were finished in 1927. F house is the last remaining panopticon cell house. It's used for segregating inmates from the general prison population and for holding inmates who are awaiting trial or transfer. -Doug DuBois & Jim Goldberg. Illinois. USA. 2002. © Jim Goldberg | Magnum Photos