Gueorgui Pinkhassov Near the refugee camp built by the city of Paris, known as "La Boule".
Refugees try their chance to get in every night.
During the day civilian volunteers come by to distribute assistance and (...)
food to those waiting outside. Porte de la Chapelle, Paris, France. © Gueorgui Pinkhassov | Magnum Photos
Gueorgui Pinkhassov FRANCE. Paris. Porte de la Chapelle.
Khaled, 15 year old. From Afghanistan.
Arrived in Paris 20 days ago.
He just started the procedure to get asylum status, so he sleeps in a dedicated residen (...)
ce while he waits for judgement.
Every day he goes to the Porte de la Chappelle area to find assistance and friends. © Gueorgui Pinkhassov | Magnum Photos
Gueorgui Pinkhassov FRANCE. Paris. Porte de la Chapelle.
Near the refugee camp built by the city of Paris, known as "La Boule."
Refugees try their chance to get in every night.
During the day civilian volunteer (...)
s come by to distribute assistance and food to those waiting outside. © Gueorgui Pinkhassov | Magnum Photos
Gueorgui Pinkhassov Aziz, 15. From Tunisia. He just started the procedure to get papers. He spent 3 months sleeping on the streets, and is now staying in a hotel paid for by the municipality. He is waiting for judgeme (...)
nt as to whether or not he'll be granted asylum status. Paris, France. © Gueorgui Pinkhassov | Magnum Photos
Gueorgui Pinkhassov FRANCE. Paris. Porte de la Chapelle.
Khaled, 15 year old. From Afghanistan.
Arrived in Paris 20 days ago.
H just started the procedure to get asylum status, so he sleeps in a dedicated residenc (...)
e while waiting for judgement.
Everday he goes to the Porte de la Chappelle area to find assistance and friends. © Gueorgui Pinkhassov | Magnum Photos