Carolyn Drake Jesus Vazquez, environmental lawyer and activist in his office at UPR. He organized a protest against Nalid fumigation earlier in the week: “It's like pointing a gun at us in the farming aspect. Th (...)
is harms our way of life and work... The solution they've come up with for Zika ends up causing more damage than the actual virus.” San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2016. © Carolyn Drake | Magnum Photos
Carolyn Drake Rosio Cancel, who Drake and her translator met at a restaurant on the day she was diagnosed with Zika. The next day they visited her at her apartment. She had another virus, Chikungunya, last year (...)
and said it was way worse. “I know I have Zika, I know it's real. But the government is using a real crisis to pass their bills to their own benefits. What's not right is there are alternate ways they could be dealing with the situation." San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2016. © Carolyn Drake | Magnum Photos
Carolyn Drake Rosio Cancel, whom Carolyn and her translator met at her waitressing job in a restaurant selling organic food, on the day she was diagnosed with Zika. The next day they visited her at her apartment (...)
. She took a sick day from work and went back the next day. She had another virus, Chikungunya, last year and said it was way worse. “I know I have Zika, I know it's real. The government is using a real crisis to pass their bills to their own benefits. What's not right is there are alternate ways they could be dealing with the situation."... "We have no control over our future. It's presented as one choice. They are making decisions for us that we don’t want and they’re supposedly doing it for our own good but you keep going, you make things, you make yourself, you get the word out. " San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2016. © Carolyn Drake | Magnum Photos
Carolyn Drake El Colegio La Milagrosa, near Paseo de Diego. In 1996, a gas leak across the street in one of stores on Paseo de Diego ended up causing 33 people in the school to die. The school closed in May 2009 (...)
for economic problems and was declared a historic monument in October the same year. But it was abandoned and is now hospitalillo, an abandoned place used for drug dealing. San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2016. © Carolyn Drake | Magnum Photos
Carolyn Drake Pregnant women who visit WIC centers in Puerto Rico are offered a Zika education slideshow. WIC provides federal grants for food, health, and nutrition education for low-income pregnant and postpar (...)
tum women, and to infants and children who are found to be at nutritional risk. Pregnant women who visit are offered a Zika education slideshow. San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2016. © Carolyn Drake | Magnum Photos
Carolyn Drake Women Infants and Children (WIC) Center in Plaza Las Americas. WIC provides Federal grants for supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education for low-income pregnant, breastfeed (...)
ing, and non-breastfeeding postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age five who are found to be at nutritional risk. Pregnant women who visit are offered a Zika education slideshow. San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2016. © Carolyn Drake | Magnum Photos
Carolyn Drake Pine Grove beach. In 2005, the Marriot cut down the forest on the beach to make a parking lot. In protest people set up a camp and started to replant the forest, including native species of trees. (...)
They've been camping here ever since. There's no Zika here, they said, but lots of other bothersome bugs. San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2016. © Carolyn Drake | Magnum Photos
Carolyn Drake Organic farm in Aibonito run by Daniella Rodriguez Besosa. She grows organic produce for her sister’s restaurant in San Juan. She says Puerto Rico has a crisis in self-sustainability. The island wo (...)
uld have 2 weeks' worth of food if the ships from USA stopped coming. Puerto Rico, originally established as an international portland, is required to import all goods directly from the USA. Despite having productive land, agriculture in Puerto Rico is less than 1% of island’s GDP. 85% of food is imported. © Carolyn Drake | Magnum Photos
Carolyn Drake Organic farm in Aibonito run by Daniella Rodriguez Besosa. She grows organic produce for her sister’s restaurant in San Juan. She says Puerto Rico has a crisis in self-sustainability. The island wo (...)
uld have 2 weeks' worth of food if the ships from USA stopped coming. Puerto Rico, originally established as an international portland, is required to import all goods directly from the USA. Despite having productive land, agriculture in Puerto Rico is less than 1% of island’s GDP. 85% of food is imported. © Carolyn Drake | Magnum Photos
Carolyn Drake Old San Juan tourist area on Independence Day. Puerto Rico cancelled the normal fireworks event on the lagoon either due to lack of funding (debt) or in protest to the PROMESA bill which just passe (...)
d. Most Puerto Ricans don't consider July 4 their holiday anyway. San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2016. © Carolyn Drake | Magnum Photos
Carolyn Drake La Perla, a historical community neighboring the northern city wall of Old San Juan, was formerly the site of a slaughterhouse because the law required them and homes of former slaves and homeless (...)
non-white servants to be away from the main community center. The drug trade in La Perla is a twenty million dollar enterprise. San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2016. © Carolyn Drake | Magnum Photos
Carolyn Drake Community Center in La Perla, a historical community neighboring the northern city wall of Old San Juan. The Community Center was formerly the site of a slaughterhouse because the law required them (...)
and homes of former slaves and homeless non-white servants to be away from the main community center. San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2016. © Carolyn Drake | Magnum Photos
Carolyn Drake Dr. Carmen Zorrilla, OB-GYN/Professor at the UPR School of Medicine in the Maternal Infant Studies Center, along with nurses at the hospital, leads a Group Zika Prevention Session with pregnant wom (...)
en. The session begins with the doctor having a 30 minute interview with a journalist from CCTV NEWS (America). The patients were here for their prenatal care visit. They come from all over the island. Zika prevention kits with pink mosquito nets and bug spray were distributed. San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2016. © Carolyn Drake | Magnum Photos