
Of Mosquitoes and Men: The Condition of Puerto Rico

Carolyn Drake Jesus Vazquez, environmental lawyer and activist in his office at UPR. He organized a protest against Nalid fumigation earlier in the week: “It's like pointing a gun at us in the farming aspect. Th (...)
Carolyn Drake Rosio Cancel, who Drake and her translator met at a restaurant on the day she was diagnosed with Zika. The next day they visited her at her apartment. She had another virus, Chikungunya, last year (...)
Carolyn Drake Paseo de Diego: once a main shopping mall, now 80% of the stores have closed. San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2016. © Carolyn Drake | Magnum Photos
Carolyn Drake Rosio Cancel, whom Carolyn and her translator met at her waitressing job in a restaurant selling organic food, on the day she was diagnosed with Zika. The next day they visited her at her apartment (...)
Carolyn Drake El Colegio la Milagrosa, near Paseo de Diego. In 1996 a gas leak across the street caused 33 people in the school to die. The school closed in May 2009 for economic problems. San Juan, Puerto Rico. (...)
Carolyn Drake El Colegio la Milagrosa, near Paseo de Diego. In 1996 a gas leak across the street caused 33 people in the school to die. The school closed in May 2009 for economic problems. San Juan, Puerto Rico. (...)
Carolyn Drake El Colegio La Milagrosa, near Paseo de Diego. In 1996, a gas leak across the street in one of stores on Paseo de Diego ended up causing 33 people in the school to die. The school closed in May 2009 (...)
Carolyn Drake Parking lot at Parque Luis Munoz Rivera, where Drake visited a birthday party. San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2016. © Carolyn Drake | Magnum Photos
Carolyn Drake Pregnant women who visit WIC centers in Puerto Rico are offered a Zika education slideshow. WIC provides federal grants for food, health, and nutrition education for low-income pregnant and postpar (...)
Carolyn Drake Auto shop in Puerta de Tierra, a low income neighborhood where Drake was told there had been cases of Zika. The people they met had no comment about the virus. San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2016. © Carolyn Drake | Magnum Photos
Carolyn Drake Women Infants and Children (WIC) Center in Plaza Las Americas. WIC provides Federal grants for supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education for low-income pregnant, breastfeed (...)
Carolyn Drake A family at Ocean Park beach who said they did not know anyone with Zika. San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2016. © Carolyn Drake | Magnum Photos
Carolyn Drake Birthday party in Parque Luis Munoz Rivera. The people Drake and translator met here did not know anyone with Zika but one of them sprayed insect repellant on her child. San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2016. © Carolyn Drake | Magnum Photos
Carolyn Drake Birthday party in Parque Luis Munoz Rivera. The people Drake and translator met here did not know anyone with Zika but one of them sprayed insect repellant on her child. San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2016. © Carolyn Drake | Magnum Photos
Carolyn Drake Pine Grove beach. In 2005, the Marriot cut down the forest on the beach to make a parking lot. In protest people set up a camp and started to replant the forest, including native species of trees. (...)
Carolyn Drake Organic farm in Aibonito run by Daniella Rodriguez Besosa. She grows organic produce for her sister’s restaurant in San Juan. She says Puerto Rico has a crisis in self-sustainability. The island wo (...)
Carolyn Drake Kids picking quenapa from trees in the Santurce neighborhood. San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2016. © Carolyn Drake | Magnum Photos
Carolyn Drake Organic farm in Aibonito run by Daniella Rodriguez Besosa. She grows organic produce for her sister’s restaurant in San Juan. She says Puerto Rico has a crisis in self-sustainability. The island wo (...)
Carolyn Drake Old San Juan tourist area on Independence Day. Puerto Rico cancelled the normal fireworks event on the lagoon either due to lack of funding (debt) or in protest to the PROMESA bill which just passe (...)
Carolyn Drake Protest at Corte Federal, against the PROMESA Bill that was just passed. San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2016. © Carolyn Drake | Magnum Photos
Carolyn Drake Zika Action Day. A health fair with public health experts, workshops, and product demos in The Home Depot parking lot of Las Catalinas Mall. San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2016. © Carolyn Drake | Magnum Photos
Carolyn Drake Zika Action Day. A health fair with public health experts, workshops, and product demos in The Home Depot parking lot of Las Catalinas Mall. San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2016. © Carolyn Drake | Magnum Photos
Carolyn Drake La Perla, a historical community neighboring the northern city wall of Old San Juan, was formerly the site of a slaughterhouse because the law required them and homes of former slaves and homeless (...)
Carolyn Drake Zika Action Day. A health fair with public health experts, workshops, and product demos in The Home Depot parking lot of Las Catalinas Mall. San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2016. © Carolyn Drake | Magnum Photos
Carolyn Drake Community Center in La Perla, a historical community neighboring the northern city wall of Old San Juan. The Community Center was formerly the site of a slaughterhouse because the law required them (...)
Carolyn Drake Dr. Carmen Zorrilla, OB-GYN/Professor at the UPR School of Medicine in the Maternal Infant Studies Center, along with nurses at the hospital, leads a Group Zika Prevention Session with pregnant wom (...)
Carolyn Drake Patients from all over the island came to the hospital for their prenatal care visit and a group Zika prevention session. Zika prevention kits with pink mosquito nets and bug spray were distributed (...)
Carolyn Drake Protest in front of Capitolio in Old San Juan. Actors performed a ritual to say farewell to the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. They are opposed to the increasing control the US is exerting over Puert (...)
Carolyn Drake Protest in front of Capitolio in Old San Juan. Actors performed a ritual to say farewell to the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. They are opposed to the increasing control the US is exerting over Puert (...)
Carolyn Drake Zika Action Day. A health fair with public health experts, workshops, and product demos in The Home Depot parking lot of Las Catalinas Mall. San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2016. © Carolyn Drake | Magnum Photos