Newsha Tavakolian Torin Khairegi, 18, in Zinar base. "I joined YPJ about seven months ago, because I was looking for something meaningful in my life and my leader [Ocalan] showed me the way and my role in the societ (...)
y. We live in a world where women are dominated by men. We are here to take control of our own future. We are not merely fighting with arms; we fight with our thoughts. Ocalan's ideology is always in our hearts and minds and it is with his thought that we become so empowered that we can even become better soldiers than men. When I am at the frontline, the thought of all the cruelty and injustice against women enrages me so much that I become extra-powerful in combat. I injured an ISIS jihadi in Kobane. When he was wounded, all his friends left him behind and ran away. Later I went there and buried his body. I now feel that I am very powerful and can defend my home, my friends, my country, and myself. Many of us have been matryred and I see no path other than the continuation of their path." Semalka Border. Rojava. Syria. © Newsha Tavakolian | Magnum Photos
Moises Saman Along the Turkish-Syrian border in Hatay Province. Under the cover of night a network of Syrian smugglers transport a family fleeing the violence inside Syria on a rowboat across the Orentes River, (...)
which marks a stretch of the border between northern Syria and southern Turkey. Since the start of the Syrian conflict in March of 2011 over 11,000 Syrian refugees have fled the country and are now living in refugee camps along the Turkish border. Turkey. March 2, 2012. © Moises Saman | Magnum Photos
Alessandra Sanguinetti A neighbor, who did not want to be identified, at Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel's doorway with bullet holes from the police's forced entrance. Sign reads, "For him: I do not blame you. But I do not joi (...)
n you at all in the way you consider your neighbor. Regardless of your reason. Spilled hatred only begets hatred. For the others: I'm with you even if I do not throw stones on anybody. The world keeps hurting itself. I am not a white goose but I do not desire to participate in your foolishness." Nice, France. 2016. © Alessandra Sanguinetti | Magnum Photos
Peter van Agtmael Mahmud Al Hajali shops in the Cermak supermarket. The Al Hajali's are part of the small wave of 2,200 Syrian Refugees of the civil war who have been granted asylum in the United States. Their son (...)
, Wasseem, was initially granted asylum but his application has been put on indefinite hold. Father Mahmud, daughter Sham and twin 17-year old sons Ahmad and Mohamed work long hours at minimum wage to make ends meet. Aurora, Illinois. USA. 2015. © Peter van Agtmael | Magnum Photos
Jérôme Sessini Syrian families walk at night toward the border to attempt to cross it. The migrants, mostly from the Middle East but also from as far as Afghanistan, are aiming to get to Serbia, the last country (...)
that stands between them and a European Union member state, Hungary. Horgos, Serbia. August 12, 2015. © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos
Newsha Tavakolian Ghassem, 20 years old, used to live in Iran before trying to reach Europe through Turkey. Since a few weeks, he is living under a tent in Sahil park, in Zeitunburno neighborhood. He used to fight w (...)
ith other Iranian and Afghan solders against ISIS and Syrian rebels. Istanbul, Turkey. June, 2016. © Newsha Tavakolian | Magnum Photos