
This is Whitechapel

Ian Berry Selling puppies, kittens and other pets and livestock in a Whitechapel market. Whitechapel, London, UK. 1972. © Ian Berry | Magnum Photos
Ian Berry A woman in an apron, with a magnificent upswept hairdo, cuddles a white poodle in her arms outside a grocery mini market where a man is trying to sell bagels to emerging customers. Here a litle gi (...)
Ian Berry Old man walking stick in rubbish lined back streets of East London. Spitalfields, London, UK. 1976. © Ian Berry | Magnum Photos
Ian Berry Man with his daughter and kitten in London's East End. Whitechapel, London, UK. © Ian Berry | Magnum Photos
Ian Berry Food for the poor and the elderly, provided by a Church Fund, in Spitalfields. Whitechapel, London, UK. 1972. © Ian Berry | Magnum Photos
Ian Berry Shopping for groceries at the local store. Whitechapel, London, UK. 1972. © Ian Berry | Magnum Photos
Ian Berry An old woman dressed to the nines in a smart hat and coat shows a toothless grin in the market. Whitechapel, London, UK. 1972. © Ian Berry | Magnum Photos
Ian Berry Visitors to an art gallery study the paintings. Whitechapel, London, UK. 1972. © Ian Berry | Magnum Photos
Ian Berry An old orthodox Jew stands in the back yard of a fresh food store among the delivery bikes with a couple cleaning boxes. Whitechapel, London, UK. 1972. © Ian Berry | Magnum Photos