
When Music and Photography Collide

Larry Towell Street scene. Old City of Kabul. Murad Khani, Kabul, Afghanistan. 2008. © Larry Towell | Magnum Photos
Larry Towell A religious Muslim woman and her children navigate their way around an Israeli tank during the Army's invasion of Hebron which helps to enforce a 24-hour curfew on the city center. Hebron. West Ban (...)
Larry Towell A mother and grandmother hold new twins in Santa Marta, the first village of repatriated refugees established in a conflictive zone in 1986. Santa Marta, Cabanas. 1991. © Larry Towell | Magnum Photos
Larry Towell Teacher ensemble at the Afghan National Institute of Music. Enrollment: 150 students (50% are disadvantaged). Instructors are professional musicians from around the world who teach traditional Afgh (...)
Larry Towell Noah Towell, who has a fever, laying in an uninstalled basement window well in the spring season. His dog Banjo is barking. Two cats and Isaac's playpen are on the front porch of the farmhouse. Lam (...)
Larry Towell Young Mennonite women fleeing a cloud of dust. Durango, Mexico. 1994. © Larry Towell | Magnum Photos
Larry Towell Peter Wiebe's sons thrashing grain and stacking. Zacatecas, La Batea, Mexico. 1996. © Larry Towell | Magnum Photos
Larry Towell Mennonite Farmland, Cuauhtemoc Colonies. Chihuahua, Mexico. 1997. © Larry Towell | Magnum Photos
Larry Towell Palestinian demonstrators in clash with Israeli soldiers. One child has just thrown a rock with a home catapult. Ramallah, West Bank, Israel. 2000. © Larry Towell | Magnum Photos
Larry Towell Pilgrim, Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Jerusalem, Israel. 2000. © Larry Towell | Magnum Photos
Larry Towell A daughter comforts her mother who passed out while grieving at the grave of her son who was killed by government death squads. Some 70,000 persons died in the 12-year civil war. San Salvador, El (...)
Larry Towell When Israeli soldiers are not near, thousands of Palestinians climb over the first phase of a recent wall construction in Abu Dis, just east of the Jerusalem city limits. Palestinians students scal (...)
Larry Towell ISRAEL. Jenin Refugee Camp. Occupied West Bank. May 2002. Clean-up operation begins. An elderly Palestinian couple overlook ruins of Hawashin district of Jeniin Refugee Camp as a home beyond repair (...)
Larry Towell ISRAEL. Gaza City. 1993. Stone in shaft of light at the end of the intifada (1987-1993). The stone symbolized the Paleestinian struggle for an independent homeland and national identity, the "David (...)
Larry Towell The widow of Mohammed Dahun Bedwan mourns the death of her husband who became one of the first Palestinians to die in anti-wall protests marking an escalation in this phase of the violence. Bidu, W (...)
Larry Towell EL SALVADOR. Soyapango. A fourteen-year-old pregnant girl lives with teenage glue sniffers in an abandoned trailer at the San Salvador city dump. The art piece was part of a poster found at the dum (...)
Larry Towell A child with a sheet plays with the vultures. Vultures scavenge in the city dump alongside the people. Soyapango, El Salvador. 1991. © Larry Towell | Magnum Photos
Larry Towell Ann and Naomi Towell lay in bed. Ann is pregnant with Noah. Noah was born about a month after this photo was taken. Lambton County, Ontario, Canada. 1989. © Larry Towell | Magnum Photos
Larry Towell Newborn babies in the unsanitary and crowded conditions of a maternity hospital. San Salvador. 1986. © Larry Towell | Magnum Photos
Larry Towell Afghan National Army (ANA) checkpoint outside of US Observation Post (OP) Lion's Den. Near Pakistan border. The Swat Valley of Pakistan is directly across the mountains. Kunar Province, Afghanistan (...)
Larry Towell EL SALVADOR. Soyapango. San Salvador city dump. Vultures and child. Vultures and humans co-habitate the dump sites. © Larry Towell | Magnum Photos
Larry Towell Buzkashi, or "goat grabbing" is a traditional Central Asian team sport played on horseback by skilled riders who grab a headless goat or calf from the ground while riding a horse at full gallop. Th (...)
Larry Towell A man tries to play a guitar riddled with bullet holes in a San Salvador neighborhood where guerillas took refuge and government forces bombed and destroyed civilian homes. Soyapango. 1989. © Larry Towell | Magnum Photos
Larry Towell Ann, Naomi and Noah Towell go on their daily bike ride. After chores are done and supper is eaten they ride the country roads for exercise and adventure. Lambton County, Ontario, Canada. 1993. © Larry Towell | Magnum Photos
Larry Towell Noah Towell shaves for the first time (a rite to manhood) in the family's bathroom mirror as his nine year-old brther Isaac looks on. Lambton County, Ontario, Canada. 2003. © Larry Towell | Magnum Photos
Larry Towell Ann Towell carrying Noah on the front porch. Moses is seen through the door which was made by a friend of mine from oak boards that I had salvaged from an old house that was being torn down on the (...)