Larry Towell Teacher ensemble at the Afghan National Institute of Music. Enrollment: 150 students (50% are disadvantaged). Instructors are professional musicians from around the world who teach traditional Afgh (...)
an and western classical music. Kabul, Afghanistan. 2011. © Larry Towell | Magnum Photos
Larry Towell When Israeli soldiers are not near, thousands of Palestinians climb over the first phase of a recent wall construction in Abu Dis, just east of the Jerusalem city limits. Palestinians students scal (...)
e the wall to go to school and adults climb it to work and shop in Jerusalem each morning until the next phase is erected. Abu Dis, West Bank. October 2003. © Larry Towell | Magnum Photos
Larry Towell ISRAEL. Jenin Refugee Camp. Occupied West Bank. May 2002. Clean-up operation begins. An elderly Palestinian couple overlook ruins of Hawashin district of Jeniin Refugee Camp as a home beyond repair (...)
is torn down. Approximately 4000 Palestinian residents were left homeless after the Israeli military siege which lasted for two weeks. © Larry Towell | Magnum Photos
Larry Towell ISRAEL. Gaza City. 1993. Stone in shaft of light at the end of the intifada (1987-1993). The stone symbolized the Paleestinian struggle for an independent homeland and national identity, the "David (...)
and Goliath" struggle of the weak against the strong, the righteous against the unrighteous. The stone is also the Biblical symbol of public execution (death by stoning) and anger (crowds in Biblical days often picked up stones in a rage and threw them at their target). St. Stepehen was stoned to death by an angry mob for preaching the gospel. Israel/Palestine is a land of stones: architecture, fields, terraces, streets, ambience. (Then Palestine, page 98-99) ©Larry Towell/Magnum Photos © Larry Towell | Magnum Photos
Larry Towell EL SALVADOR. Soyapango. A fourteen-year-old pregnant girl lives with teenage glue sniffers in an abandoned trailer at the San Salvador city dump. The art piece was part of a poster found at the dum (...)
p and used to decorate their trailer. Except for the the girl, named Gloria, all the children living in the trailer are glue sniffers. 1991. © Larry Towell | Magnum Photos
Larry Towell Buzkashi, or "goat grabbing" is a traditional Central Asian team sport played on horseback by skilled riders who grab a headless goat or calf from the ground while riding a horse at full gallop. Th (...)
e goal is to grab the carcass, get it clear of the other players, and pitch it into a target circle. Kabul, Afghanistan. 2009. © Larry Towell | Magnum Photos
Larry Towell Ann Towell carrying Noah on the front porch. Moses is seen through the door which was made by a friend of mine from oak boards that I had salvaged from an old house that was being torn down on the (...)
St. Clair River. Lambton County, Ontario, Canada. 1995. © Larry Towell | Magnum Photos