Theory & Practice

Offside Brazil: 2014 World Cup

Alex Majoli Brazilian supporters watching a broadcast of the Brazil-Mexico World Cup match. Sao Paulo, Brazil. June, 17, 2014. © Alex Majoli | Magnum Photos
Jonas Bendiksen BRAZIL. Sao Paulo. June 12, 2014. Brazilians watching the TV-transmission of the opening World Cup-game, Brazil-Croatia, in downtown Sao Paulo at the Fifa Fan Fest. The moment when Brazil scored th (...)
David Alan Harvey Brazilian fans taunt Argentinian fans during the World Cup in front of the FIFA headquarters in Copacabana. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. July 5, 2014. © David Alan Harvey | Magnum Photos
David Alan Harvey Woman watching the Brazil match being repeated in a restaurant in Copacabana. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. July 2, 2014. © David Alan Harvey | Magnum Photos
Jonas Bendiksen Brazilian supporters during the Brazil-Mexico game, which ended in a 0-0 draw. (Film still). Sao Paulo, Brazil. June 11, 2014. © Jonas Bendiksen | Magnum Photos
Alex Majoli BRAZIL. Sao Paulo. June 23, 2014. Carlos Alberto Santos (28) on the Avenida Paulista. A thief specializing in Mercedes, jewlery and house invasion, he has been living on the street for three months. © Alex Majoli | Magnum Photos
Alex Majoli Police on guard against a crowd of Brazilian supporters in the city center. Sao Paulo, Brazil. June, 17, 2014. © Alex Majoli | Magnum Photos
Alex Majoli BRAZIL. Itaquera, Sao Paulo. June 16, 2014. MTST (literally translated: movement of workers without roof) occupying land near the Corinthians Stadium, that will host 6 matches of the world cup. MTS (...)
Alex Majoli Gathering for the official start of the electoral campaign of Paulo Skaf of PMDB (Brazilian Democratic Movement Party) for governor of Sao Paulo state. PMDB activist. Sao Paulo, Brazil. June 14, 2014. © Alex Majoli | Magnum Photos
Alex Majoli BRAZIL. Sao Paulo. June 14, 2014. Gathering for the official start of the electoral campaign of Paulo Skaf of PMDB (Brazilian Democratic Movement Party) for governor of Sao Paulo state. Paulo Skaf (...)
David Alan Harvey BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro. July 6, 2014. Ruy Brisolla gets a kiss from Stephanie Schultz-Wenk at the afternoon party of fashion designer Lenny Niemeyer at her home in Lagoa. Every Sunday Lenny enterta (...)
David Alan Harvey BOPE (Special Police Operations Battalion) playing football on Copacabana beach during the World Cup. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. July 5, 2014. © David Alan Harvey | Magnum Photos
Susan Meiselas Loruama and Rebeca, right, strike a pose as Maria Luiza and Leticia stand in a doorway. Part of the "Lente dos Sonhos" (Lens of Dreams) project created to bring girls from local communities into t (...)
Alex Majoli BRAZIL. Sao Paulo. July 11, 2014. Jalison Nougueira, 22, who earns money by performing everyday on Rua dos Estados Unido at the corner of Aenida 9th Julho. He's been training as a freestyle footbal (...)