Edgar Martins, United Kingdom — “Siloquies and Soliloquies on Death, Life and Other Interludes”, chosen by Yumi Goto. Boulder. ”No one knows an emaciated individual in his 50s, with grey hair and b (...)
found dead yesterday morning in Parque Eduardo VII. The pitiful figure was found completely
naked, with his clothes and belongings over his body, with no clues as to his identity.
A bloody boulder was found close to the cadaver and this is all the information currently
available to solve this mysterious case.” Adapted from ”A Mysterious Case – How did a Man
Found in Parque Eduardo VII Die?” Jornal de Notícias, 14 September 1923. © Edgar Martins.
Juror’s Pick, Magnum Photography Awards 2017.
Sonja Hamad, Germany — “Jin—Jiyan—Azadi: Women, Life, Freedom”, chosen by Lesley Martin. Target. Hasaka, Syria. Less that 500 meters away from the shelters of the female fighters
at the first fro (...)
nt of Al-Hasakah, one passes a picture of Hafiz al-Assad—the father of the ruling
dictator Bashar al-Assad. He presents himself in a heroic gesture that is currently perforated
by bullet holes. © Sonja Hamad. Juror’s Pick, Magnum Photography Awards 2017.
Supporters of the ruling Bangladesh Awami League beat a lawyer and supporter of the oppo-sition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) inside the court premises during a protest by oppo-sition activist (...)
s in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Sunday, Dec. 29, 2013. © A.M. Ahad. PhotojournalismSingle Image Winner, Magnum Photography Awards 2017.
Confiscated Elephant Feet, Border Patrol, USA, 2016 Surely an elephant foot is of no real use to anyone but the animal itself. These elephant feetwere attempted to be smuggled from Africa to the US, but were seized by the American Bor-der Patrol and (...)
are currently stored at the National Wildlife Repository Denver, Colorado, USA.I have been documenting illegally traded wildlife products since August 2016 at borders andairport across the globe. © Britta Jaschinski. Open Single Image Winner, Magnum Photogra-phy Awards 2017.
On an old fishing boat carrying 561 migrants 50 miles off the coast of Libya, an Eritreanman is commanded to stay below the deck where he was packed with over 200 other men.The migrants were rescue (...)
d by the Migrant Offshore Aid Station ship after they received a dis-tress call saying the migrant boat was taking on water and in imminent danger of sinking. ©Jason Florio. Photojournalism Series Winner, Magnum Photography Awards 2017.
Dubai: Bread and Circuses Floating Seahorse, Dubai, January 2017. The Floating Seahorse is an underwater holidayvilla at the Heart of Europe, a man-made archipelago 2.5 miles off Dubai. It features under-water bedrooms and (...)
bathrooms. By the time the ambitious project is complete in 2018,there will be more than 125 floating villas, which cost as much as £2.2million each. © NickHannes. Documentary Series Winner, Magnum Photography Awards 2017.