Carl De Keyzer From left to right: Boris Johnson ( UK former Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs), Didier Reynders (Member of Belgian Parliament) and Mike Pompeo (USA - former director of the (...)
Central Intelligence Agency Secretary of State (CIA) during the last summit of foreign ministers in the old building.
Johnson is now a minister. NATO Headquarters. Brussels, Belgium. 2018. © Carl De Keyzer | Magnum Photos
Carl De Keyzer Belgium. Brussels. 2018. NATO Headquarters.
NATO's headquarters' moving.
Press at the old headquarter entrance.
Mike Pompeo (USA - former director of the Central Intelligence Agency Secretary of (...)
State (CIA) during the last summit of foreign ministers giving an interview. © Carl De Keyzer | Magnum Photos
Carl De Keyzer US president Donald Trump, US Representative to NATO Kay Bailey Hutchison, and UK Prime Minister Theresa May attending the first summit in the new building. On the left Turkish President Recep Tayy (...)
ip Erdogan. NATO Headquarters. Brussels, Belgium. 2018. © Carl De Keyzer | Magnum Photos