Emin Özmen Life continues in Kobani, a Syrian city devastated by 133 days of violent clashes and resistance. People return to their homes after taking refuge in tent-towns in Turkey. They return to their home (...)
land with the few belongings they have rescued. Kobani, Syria. March 2015 © Emin Özmen | Magnum Photos
Emin Özmen Members of Shabiha (a feared Assad regime-sponsored militia known for their violence) captured after the clashes near Shabiha headquarters in Aleppo. The Shabiha militia have reigned with violence (...)
and impunity, destroying entire villages by setting fire to homes or looting them; and raping, torturing, and slitting the throats of inhabitants suspected of opposing the regime. Aleppo, Syria. 2012. © Emin Özmen | Magnum Photos
Emin Özmen A man suspected of giving money to government informants is held at a school occupied by the dissident Free Syrian Army (FSA), in the northern city of Aleppo. He was one of two captives believed to (...)
be members of the pro-government Shabiha militia, who were held and interrogated for 48 hours before having the money on them confiscated. Aleppo, Syria. 2012. © Emin Özmen | Magnum Photos
Emin Özmen | MG152813 A boat full of migrants is illuminated by the flashlights of Turkish coast guards who have come to rescue them near the Greek-Turkish border. This small boat's engine failed and 7 refugees from Syr (...)
ia, Pakistan and Afghanistan were stucked in the middle of the sea. Then they called the coast guards to ask for help. Turkey, Bodrum. 2015. © Emin Özmen | Magnum Photos