
Domino Effect: The Syrian Civil War Spills Over into Lebanon

Lorenzo Meloni Interior of an apartment on Syria Street destroyed by the fights, where the sectarian fights between Sunnis and Shiite are more violent. Tripoli, Lebanon. November, 2013. © Lorenzo Meloni | Magnum Photos
Lorenzo Meloni The aftermath of a bomb explosion adjacent to the Al-Taqwa Mosque in the Al-Zahiriya neighborhood. Tripoli, Lebanon. August 2013. © Lorenzo Meloni | Magnum Photos
Lorenzo Meloni Relatives of victims of the 'Indonesian boat'. Tripoli, Lebanon. October, 2013. © Lorenzo Meloni | Magnum Photos
Lorenzo Meloni The funeral of Mohamed, 16 years old. He was a resident of Bab Al Tebbaneh. Tripoli, Lebanon. August 24, 2013. © Lorenzo Meloni | Magnum Photos
Lorenzo Meloni Sheik Ahmed Al-Asir inside his flat in Sidon. The Sheik is one of the most important Sunni salafist leaders in Lebanon. Sidon, Lebanon. 2013. © Lorenzo Meloni | Magnum Photos
Lorenzo Meloni LEBANON. Roumieh. April 2013 - A group of islamist arrives with a bus in front of the most important prison in Lebanon, asking for liberation of Sunni prisoners accused of terrorism by Lebanese gov (...)
Lorenzo Meloni LEBANON. Tripoli. April 2013. In Jabal Mohsen (an Alawite district), an area struck by the fights between Sunni and Shia. © Lorenzo Meloni | Magnum Photos
Lorenzo Meloni Two sunni militiamen during the aftermath of a bombing adjacent to the Al-Taqwa Mosque. Tripoli, Lebanon. August, 2013. © Lorenzo Meloni | Magnum Photos
Lorenzo Meloni Two Syrian refugees in a field hospital. Tripoli, Lebanon. July, 2013. © Lorenzo Meloni | Magnum Photos
Lorenzo Meloni Relatives of victims of the 'Indonesian boat'. In September around 30 Lebanese sold their properties and paid smugglers to take them by boat to Australia. The boat sank in Indonesian waters, killin (...)
Lorenzo Meloni Ahmad, a Syrian fighter of the Katiba Al farouk, in hospital of Arsal. He was wounded by a rocket launched by the Syrian regime forces on the Lebanese border. Arsal, West Beqaa, Lebanon. November, (...)
Lorenzo Meloni LEBANON. West Beeka. October 2013. A view of Beeka Valley. © Lorenzo Meloni | Magnum Photos
Lorenzo Meloni A young sunni militiaman, Abu Omar, 20, fights Alawite gunmen. Tripoli, Lebanon. October, 2013. © Lorenzo Meloni | Magnum Photos
Lorenzo Meloni A woman in a Syrian refugees camp, reproaches a child playing with a plastic gun. West Beqaa, Lebanon. October 2013. © Lorenzo Meloni | Magnum Photos
Lorenzo Meloni LEBANON. Tripoli. March 2013. Syria Street, a poster of a martyr. Syria Street is the frontline between the Sunni district of Bab al Tebbaneh and the Shia Alawite of Jabal Mohsen.

> © Lorenzo Meloni | Magnum Photos
Lorenzo Meloni LEBANON. Zahle. October 2013. During the Eid, a group of Syrian refugees is waiting a distribution of meat. © Lorenzo Meloni | Magnum Photos
Lorenzo Meloni LEBANON. 2013. Beeka refugees, Lebanese Syrian border, legal crossing point from Masnaa © Lorenzo Meloni | Magnum Photos