Jonas Bendiksen I’ve been busying myself in the evenings with various building projects around the house, and I was cutting some boards for a small shed I’m putting together from leftover materials. The saw slippe (...)
d, I cut into my bone on my left hand. Anna was about to go out for a jog, but hadn’t left yet, so we got the neighbor to watch over the sleeping kids, and we went up to Anna’s clinic to patch me up. The saw is a good one, but luckily not THAT good, I just avoided any tendons etc., so all ended well. Norway. April 8, 2020. © Jonas Bendiksen | Magnum Photos
Jean Gaumy The distribution of free washable cloth masks (one allowed per person). 40,000 masks were purchased by the communauté de communes and seven distribution points were set up in town. End of lockdown. (...)
Coronavirus crisis. Town Hall. Fecamp. Normandy. France. May 11, 2020. © Jean Gaumy | Magnum Photos
Cristina de Middel People fishing in Itacaré. Since all the businesses are closed and the source of income is uncertain in the near and distant future, many people are fishing for their food in town. It is a way to b (...)
oth keep children entertained when school is closed, but it also helps the fragile family economy. Itacaré. Brazil. May 7, 2020. © Cristina de Middel | Magnum Photos