George Rodger UGANDA. Metu near the River Nile. 1958. The Madi dancers are a hand picked group of men all of whom must kill a leopard with a spear to prove their hunting prowess. They dance whenever the occasion (...)
demands - to celebrate a hunt, the end of a harvest or the death of an important chief. © George Rodger | Magnum Photos
George Rodger UGANDA. Madi musician. The Madi dancers are a group of picked men, all of whom must kill a leopard with their spear to prove hunting prowess. They dance whenever occassion demands - to celebrate a (...)
successful hunt, the end of the cotton buying season, or at the death of an important chief. Dancers wear leopard-skins, ostrich plume and shell of shell head-dresses and brass bells around their ankles. The women dance and chant in high shrill voices to urge the men into a higher frenzy. 1958. © George Rodger | Magnum Photos
David Hurn USA. Arizona. Couple on the main street of Tempe, Arizona.
© David Hurn / Magnum Photos
No photograph or digital file may be reproduced, cropped or modified (digitally or otherwise), and the sp (...)
irit of its caption may not be altered without prior written agreement from the photographer or a Magnum representative. © David Hurn | Magnum Photos
Alessandra Sanguinetti USA. Santa Monica, California. 2017. Marco Miller, 17, Annabel Boardman, 17, and Ren Levy, 17.
On Saturdays, Marco, Annabel, and Ren often attend the midnight showing of The Rocky Horror Picture S (...)
how at a nearby art house theater. “I usually wear something really out there and a little more fun and risqué,” says Marco. “Feathers or a lingerie robe with boxers. It’s really friendly.” © Alessandra Sanguinetti | Magnum Photos