Lindokuhle Sobekwa From a series titled “I carry Her photo with Me”, about my sister Ziyanda who disappeared for 15 years and was found by my mother in a men’s only hostel called Mshaye aze afe. Shortly thereafter sh (...)
e died. This are the clothes that belonged to Ziyanda. When she pass away our family washed them and gave them to other family members. It is traditional in my culture to do that. Thokoza. Johannesburg. South Africa. 2017. © Lindokuhle Sobekwa | Magnum Photos
Lindokuhle Sobekwa From a series titled “I carry Her photo with Me”, about my sister Ziyanda who disappeared for 15 years and was found by my mother in a men’s only hostel called Mshaye aze afe. Shortly thereafter sh (...)
e died. We lost our home, we lost everything. My house on fire. Thokoza. Johannesburg. South Africa. 2014. © Lindokuhle Sobekwa | Magnum Photos
Lindokuhle Sobekwa Praying before going to sleep. Nyaope is South Africa's "poor man's heroin". It is highly addictive and can contain anything from detergent, rat poison or crushed anti-retroviral medications. The d (...)
rug has gained popularity among young black South Africans in the townships. Thokoza. Johannesburg. South Africa. 2014. © Lindokuhle Sobekwa | Magnum Photos
Lindokuhle Sobekwa Punished by the community for stealing. Nyaope is South Africa's "poor man's heroin". It is highly addictive and can contain anything from detergent, rat poison or crushed anti-retroviral medicatio (...)
ns. The drug has gained popularity among young black South Africans in the townships. Thokoza. Johannesburg. South Africa. 2014. © Lindokuhle Sobekwa | Magnum Photos
Lindokuhle Sobekwa This was just after Mabhuti told me how much he misses her daughter, who stays in Cape Town. Nyaope is South Africa's "poor man's heroin". It is highly addictive and can contain anything from deter (...)
gent, rat poison or crushed anti-retroviral medications. The drug has gained popularity among young black South Africans in the townships. Thokoza. Johanneburg. South Africa. 2014. © Lindokuhle Sobekwa | Magnum Photos
Lindokuhle Sobekwa Mabhuti’s needle case. Nyaope is South Africa's "poor man's heroin". It is highly addictive and can contain anything from detergent, rat poison or crushed anti-retroviral medications. The drug has (...)
gained popularity among young black South Africans in the townships. Thokoza. Johannesburg. South Africa. 2014. © Lindokuhle Sobekwa | Magnum Photos
Lindokuhle Sobekwa Bathing in Katlehong after a long day. Nyaope is South Africa's "poor man's heroin". It is highly addictive and can contain anything from detergent, rat poison or crushed anti-retroviral medication (...)
s. The drug has gained popularity among young black South Africans in the townships. Katlehong. Johannesburg. South Africa.2015. © Lindokuhle Sobekwa | Magnum Photos