Enri Canaj Inside the Human Rights Council (HRCO) founded in December
1991 in Addis Ababa: "We put these extra locks. In recent years we had some uninvited intruders visiting our office," Kumilachew Dagne, (...)
president of HRCO said. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. August 2017. © Enri Canaj | Magnum Photos
Enri Canaj Gathering of the Zone 9 bloggers. From left to right: Nathenael Feleqe, 30, detained for 18 months, Atnafw Brhane, 28 years old, who was arrested in 2014 and detained for 541 days; Mahlet Fantahun, (...)
33, arrested in 2015 and detained for 15 months; and the journalist Getacheuv Shiferaw, 32, arrested several times. His case is still pending. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. August 2017. © Enri Canaj | Magnum Photos
Enri Canaj Nathennael Feleqe, 30 years old. One of the bloggers of the blog Zone 9, arrested in 2014, and Getacheuv Shiferaw, 32 years old, a journalist arrested several times because of his articles. His cas (...)
e is still ongoing and he is represented by the lawyer Ameha Mekonnen. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. August 2017. © Enri Canaj | Magnum Photos