Thomas Dworzak Performance "Lenin's Train Zürich-Petrograd 1917-2017" Thorgevsky & Wiener theatre ensemble. Historical train ride. Lenin departing from Zürich main station. At 15:10h on Easter Monday, 9.4.1917 L (...)
enin and his entourage of a few dozen boarded a train at Zurich Central Station. Lenin and his wife Nadezhda Krupskaya. And his long time mistress Inessa Armand. A mixture of Zimmerwaldian Internationalism, the aftermath of the February Revolution and a lot of wheeling and dealing namely by the illustrious figure Alexandre Parvus had led to this trip materializing. Parvus, a Russian Jew who had emmigrated to Europe before was lobbying the German War Ministry to facilitate Lenin’s return to Russia, hoping him coming to power would lead to a seperate peace with Russia the German Empire desperately needed. The revolutionaries under no circumstances wanted to appear to be fraternizing with the German ennemy, so they insisted to pay for their own tickets and the train carrier was declared extra territorrial. On 9.4.2017 the Thorgevsky & Wiener theatre ensemble performs a play "Lenin's Train Zürich-Petrograd 1917-2017" in a historical train from Zurich to Schaffenhausen. Departing Lenin gives a speech to his followers. Zurich, Switzerland. 2017/04/09 © Thomas Dworzak | Magnum Photos