Emin Özmen Mahmud, 41 is a Syrian refugee who I first met 2 years ago. I came back to his house to see how their living conditions evolved for him and his family. They fled from Aleppo in 2013. He lost his 4 (...)
brothers during the fight. He fled because he had an obligation to join the regime's army and did not want to take part in the fighting
Here are Mahmud's twin daughter's Sidra (left) and Sied (right), 14, pose in their home. When I met with them in 2015, Sidra told me that her dream was to be a doctor and Sied was to be an engineer. Sidra is not able to be doctor anymore, she is now studying at vocational school due to their fathers financial conditions (vocational schools are less expensive than normal or Imam hatip schools) .
In Mahmud's house. Gaziantep. Turkey. 2018. © Emin Özmen | Magnum Photos
Moises Saman EL SALVADOR. San Francisco de Gotera, Morazan. 23 September, 2018. Incarcerated former gang members during a church service inside the San Francisco Gotera prison. More than a thousand of the 1,300 (...)
prisoners in Gotera have renounced their gang ties and declared themselves born-again Christians. © Moises Saman | Magnum Photos
Lorenzo Meloni The Ayn Issa refugee camp housed around 9,000 refugees mainly from Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor, including Islamic State families.
During the attack by the Turkish Armed Forces and the Turkish-backed Fre (...)
e Syrian Army (TFSA or SNA), Islamic state families reportedly burnt their tents, in order to create panic inside the camp. At least 750 people with suspected links to the Islamic State reportedly fled from the SDF security forces that were in charge of the camp. Ayn Issa refugee camp. Syria. November 2019. © Lorenzo Meloni | Magnum Photos